首页> 外文期刊>Royal Society Open Science >An 11 000-year-old giant muntjac subfossil from Northern Vietnam: implications for past and present populations

An 11 000-year-old giant muntjac subfossil from Northern Vietnam: implications for past and present populations




Described at the end of the twentieth century, the large-antlered or giant muntjac, Muntiacus gigas (syn . vuquangensis ), is a Critically Endangered species currently restricted to the Annamite region in Southeast Asia. Here we report subfossil evidence of giant muntjac, a mandible fragment dated between 11.1 and 11.4 thousand years before present, from northern Vietnam. We describe morphological and metric criteria for diagnosis and consider the specimen in the context of regional archaeological and palaeontological records of Muntiacus . We then consider the palaeoenvironmental context of the specimen and the implications for habitat requirements for extant populations. The new specimen extends the known spatial and temporal range of giant muntjacs in Vietnam and is further evidence that this species was more widely distributed in the Holocene than current records indicate. While regional proxy evidence indicates a drier climate and more open woodland habitats at the onset of the Holocene, contextual evidence indicates that the specimen derived from an animal inhabiting limestone karst forest. This record also supports the assertion that remnant populations are in a refugial state, as a result of anthropogenic pressures, rather than representing a centre of endemism. These facts underscore the urgent need for the conservation of remaining populations.
机译:被描述为二十世纪末的大型鹿角或巨型象牙,Muntiacus gigas(syn。vuquangensis),是一种极度濒危物种,目前仅限于东南亚的安南米特地区。在这里,我们报告了来自越南北部的巨型化石的亚化石证据,该化石是下颚骨碎片,其历史可追溯到11.1年至1.14万年前。我们描述了诊断的形态学和度量标准,并在芒底cus的区域考古和古生物学记录中考虑了标本。然后,我们考虑标本的古环境背景及其对现存种群栖息地要求的影响。新标本扩展了越南已知的巨型象鼻的时空范围,进一步证明了该物种在全新世中的分布比目前的记录所表明的要广泛。区域代理证据表明,全新世开始时气候较为干燥,林地栖息地更加开放,而上下文证据表明,该标本来源于动物栖息于石灰岩喀斯特森林中。该记录还支持这样一种说法,即人为压力导致残余人口处于逃避状态,而不是地方病的中心。这些事实强调了迫切需要保护其余人口。



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