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Satisfaction with local exercise facility: a rural-urban comparison in China




Introduction:Rural-urban inequalities in China have been widening over the past few decades. Compared to their urban counterparts, rural residents may encounter various barriers to equal opportunities to effectively engage in physical activity. This study examines the rural-urban disparity in physical activity, proximity and satisfaction with local exercise facilities.Methods:An in-person survey was conducted in 29?counties of 10?Chinese provinces in 2012. Five thousand questionnaires were administered by trained staff with a completion rate of 82.1%. The complete sample includes 1661 rural and 2446 urban residents. Eight dichotomous outcome measures were used, pertaining to leisure-time physical activity engagement; proximity to the nearest exercise facility from home; satisfaction level with the quantity, variety, fee levels, opening hours, and daily management and services of nearby exercise facilities; and satisfaction level with the local public sports service system. Nearest-neighbor matching was performed to match rural residents with urban residents by observed individual sociodemographics, including gender, age, education level and residential province. Pearson's χ2 test was used to assess the difference in sociodemographics and outcome measures between rural and urban residents before and after matching.Results:Before nearest-neighbor matching, the frequency distributions of age and education level are significantly different between rural and urban residents (both pp=0.170), age (p=0.934), education level (p=0.244) and residential province (p=1.000). Compared to their matched urban counterparts, rural residents are 8.1% (pp=0.005) less likely to live within 30-minute walking distance to the nearest exercise facility. Rural residents are 15.7%, 15.7%, 8.6%, 13.5% and 14.7% more likely to be unsatisfied with the quantity, variety, fee levels, opening hours, and daily management and services of nearby exercise facilities, and 16.1% more likely to be unsatisfied with the local public sports service system than matched urban residents (all pConclusions:Substantial rural-urban disparities tend to be present in leisure-time physical activity, proximity to the nearest exercise facility, and satisfaction level with exercise facilities and the public sports service system. Policy interventions are warranted to improve the accessibility and affordability of local exercise facilities in rural areas as a way to promote physical activity among Chinese rural residents and reduce disparities.
机译:简介:在过去的几十年中,中国的城乡差距一直在扩大。与城市居民相比,农村居民可能会遇到各种障碍,难以平等地参与体育活动。方法:2012年在中国10个省的29个县进行了面对面调查。由受过培训的人员管理了5000份问卷完成率为82.1%。完整样本包括1661个农村居民和2446个城市居民。使用了八项与休闲活动有关的结果测量法;离家最近的健身设施的距离;对附近运动设施的数量,种类,费用水平,开放时间以及日常管理和服务的满意度;对当地公共体育服务系统的满意度。通过观察个体社会人口统计学(包括性别,年龄,教育水平和居住省份),进行了最近邻匹配,以将农村居民与城市居民进行匹配。皮尔逊氏χ 2 检验用于评估城乡居民匹配前后的社会人口统计学和结局指标的差异。结果:在进行最近邻匹配之前,年龄和文化程度的频率分布显着城乡居民(pp = 0.170),年龄(p = 0.934),教育水平(p = 0.244)和居住省份(p = 1.000)之间的差异。与相匹配的城市居民相比,农村居民居住在距离最近的健身设施30分钟步行距离内的可能性要低8.1%(pp = 0.005)。农村居民对附近运动设施的数量,种类,收费水平,开放时间,日常管理和服务不满意的可能性要高15.7%,15.7%,8.6%,13.5%和14.7%,而对附近运动设施的日常满意度和满意度则要高16.1%。对当地的公共体育服务体系不满意,而与之相匹配的城市居民则不满意(所有p结论:休闲运动,靠近最近的运动设施以及对运动设施和公共体育的满意程度往往存在巨大的城乡差距服务体系:有必要采取政策干预措施,以改善农村地区当地健身设施的可及性和可负担性,从而促进中国农村居民的体育活动并减少差异。



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