首页> 外文期刊>Rural and Remote Health >Determining the competences of community based workers for disability-inclusive development in rural areas of South Africa, Botswana and Malawi

Determining the competences of community based workers for disability-inclusive development in rural areas of South Africa, Botswana and Malawi




Introduction:Persons with disabilities and their families still live with stigma and a high degree of social exclusion especially in rural areas, which are often poorly resourced and serviced. Community-based workers in health and social development are in an ideal position to assist in providing critical support for some of those most at risk of neglect in these areas. This article analyses the work of community disability workers (CDWs) in three southern African countries to demonstrate the competencies that these workers acquired to make a contribution to social justice for persons with disabilities and their families. It points to some gaps and then argues that these competencies should be consolidated and strengthened in curricula, training and policy. The article explores local experiences and practices of CDWs so as to understand and demonstrate their professional competencies and capacity to deliver disability-inclusive services in rural areas, ways that make all information, activities and programs offered accessible and available to persons with disabilities.Methods:A qualitative interpretive approach was adopted, informed by a life history approach. Purposive sampling was used to select 16?CDWs who had at least 5?years experience of disability-related work in a rural area. In-depth interviews with CDWs were conducted by postgraduate students in Disability Studies. An inductive and interpretative phenomenological approach was used to analyse data.Results:Three main themes with sub-categories emerged demonstrating the competencies of CDWs. First, integrated management of health conditions and impairments within a family focus comprised 'focus on the functional abilities' and 'communication, information gathering and sharing'.?Second, negotiating for disability-inclusive community development included four sub-categories, namely 'mobilising families and community leaders', 'finding local solutions with local resources', 'negotiating retention and transitions through the education system' and 'promoting participation in economic activities'. Third, coordinated and efficient intersectoral management systems involved 'gaining community and professional recognition' and the ability to coordinate efforts ('it's not a one-man show'). The CDWs spoke of their commitment to fighting the inequities and social injustices that persons with disabilities experienced. They facilitate change and manage the multiple transitions experienced by the families at different stages of the disabled person's development.Conclusions:Disability-inclusive development embraces a philosophy of social inclusion and a set of values that seeks to protect the human dignity and rights of persons with disabilities. It requires a workforce equipped with skills to work intersectorally and in a cross-disciplinary manner in order to operationalise the community-based rehabilitation guidelines that are designed to promote delivery of services in remote and rural areas. CDWs potentially have a unique set of competencies that enables them to facilitate disability-inclusive community development in rural areas. The themes reveal how the CDWs contribute to building relationships that restore the humanity and dignity of persons with disabilities in their family and community. These competencies draw from different disciplines which necessitates recognition of the CDWs as a cross-disciplinary profession.
机译:简介:残疾人及其家人仍然生活在污名和高度的社会排斥中,特别是在农村地区,而农村地区资源和服务水平通常很差。在健康和社会发展中以社区为基础的工人处于理想位置,可以协助为这些领域中最容易被忽视的人提供关键支持。本文分析了南部三个非洲国家的社区残疾工人(CDW)的工作,以证明这些工人获得的能力为残疾人及其家庭的社会正义做出了贡献。它指出了一些差距,然后提出在课程,培训和政策方面应巩固和加强这些能力。本文探讨了CDW的本地经验和做法,以了解和展示其在农村地区提供包括残疾在内的服务的专业能力和能力,以及使残疾人能够获得和获得所有信息,活动和计划的方式。在生活史方法的指导下,采用了定性解释方法。目的抽样用于选择在农村地区从事与残疾相关工作至少5年的16位CDW。残疾研究研究生对CDW进行了深入访谈。结果:出现了三个带有子类别的主要主题,证明了CDW的能力。首先,以家庭为中心的健康状况和障碍的综合管理包括“注重功能能力”和“沟通,信息收集与共享”。其次,谈判包容残疾人的社区发展包括四个子类别,即“动员”家庭和社区领袖”,“用当地资源寻找当地解决方案”,“通过教育系统谈判保留和过渡问题”和“促进参与经济活动”。第三,协调高效的部门间管理系统涉及“获得社区和专业认可”和协调努力的能力(“这不是一个人表演)”。 CDW谈到了他们致力于消除残疾人经历的不平等和社会不公的承诺。它们促进了变化并管理了残疾人在不同发展阶段的家庭所经历的多重过渡。结论:包容残疾的发展包含社会包容理念和一系列旨在保护人的尊严和权利的价值观。残疾。它需要一支具备跨部门和跨学科工作技能的劳动力,以实施旨在促进偏远和农村地区服务提供的基于社区的康复指南。 CDW可能具有一套独特的能力,使他们能够促进农村地区包括残疾人在内的社区发展。这些主题揭示了CDW如何为建立关系恢复残疾人在家庭和社区中的人道与尊严做出贡献。这些能力来自不同学科,因此有必要将CDW视为跨学科专业。



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