首页> 外文期刊>Revista de Biología Tropical >Status of aspergillosis and sea fan populations in Cura?ao ten years after the 1995 Caribbean epizootic

Status of aspergillosis and sea fan populations in Cura?ao ten years after the 1995 Caribbean epizootic




In 1995, a survey of sea fan corals was conducted in Cura?ao during a Caribbean-wide outbreak of the sea fan disease aspergillosis. The survey was repeated in 2005 using the same methodology and identical sites to examine changes in sea fan populations 10 years after the initial epizootic. Necrotic lesions typical of aspergillosis were present on as many sea fans in 2005 as in 1995 (mean ± SE: 52 ± 6 vs 43 ± 10%). The disease also showed no significant variation in virulence (9.6 ± 1.2 vs 8.8 ± 1.0% tissue loss per diseased colony). However, the average number of sea fan colonies per 10 m2 decreased from 2.7 ± 1.1 to 0.7 ± 0.2 over the 10-year period, a decline of almost 75%. This decrease occurred for all colony sizes, but was more pronounced among small colonies, resulting in an overall trend of domination by large colonies. These results support that aspergillosis can have a significant, long-term impact on sea fan population size and structure. The continued presence of the disease in 2005 could be contributing to reduced recruitment and/or selective mortality among the smallest colonies. This study provides no indication that host resistance against aspergillosis could reverse the decline of Caribbean sea fan corals. Rev. Biol. Trop. 54 (Suppl. 3): 153-160. Epub 2007 Jan. 15.
机译:1995年,在加勒比海范围内爆发的海扇病曲霉病期间,对库拉索岛进行了一次海扇珊瑚调查。 2005年使用相同的方法和相同的地点重复了该调查,以检查最初的动物流行病发生10年后海扇种群的变化。 2005年,与1995年一样,海扇中有典型的曲霉病坏死性病变(平均±SE:52±6 vs 43±10%)。该疾病的毒力也没有显着变化(每个患病菌落的组织损失为9.6±1.2与8.8±1.0%)。然而,在过去十年中,每10平方米的海扇殖民地平均数量从2.7±1.1降至0.7±0.2,下降了近75%。所有菌落大小均出现这种下降,但在小菌落中更为明显,导致总体上由大菌落主导的趋势。这些结果表明曲霉病会对海扇种群的大小和结构产生重大的长期影响。该疾病在2005年继续存在可能有助于减少最小殖民地的募集和/或选择性死亡率。该研究没有迹象表明宿主对曲霉病的抵抗力可以逆转加勒比海扇形珊瑚的下降。 Rev.Biol。放下54(Suppl.3):153-160。 Epub 2007年1月15日。



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