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Remote eye care screening for rural veterans with Technology-based Eye Care Services: a quality improvement project




Context: Veterans are at high risk for eye disease because of age and comorbid conditions. Access to eye care is challenging within the entire Veterans Hospital Administration's network of hospitals and clinics in the USA because it is the third busiest outpatient clinical service and growing at a rate of 9% per year. Issue: Rural and highly rural veterans face many more barriers to accessing eye care because of distance, cost to travel, and difficulty finding care in the community as many live in medically underserved areas. Also, rural veterans may be diagnosed in later stages of eye disease than their non-rural counterparts due to lack of access to specialty care. In March 2015, Technology-based Eye Care Services (TECS) was launched from the Atlanta Veterans Affairs (VA) as a quality improvement project to provide eye screening services for rural veterans. Lessons learned: By tracking multiple measures including demographic and access to care metrics, data shows that TECS significantly improved access to care, with 33% of veterans receiving same-day access and >98% of veterans receiving an appointment within 30 days of request. TECS also provided care to a significant percentage of homeless veterans, 10.6% of the patients screened. Finally, TECS reduced healthcare costs, saving the VA up to US$148 per visit and approximately US$52 per patient in round trip travel reimbursements when compared to completing a face-to-face exam at the medical center. Overall savings to the VA system in this early phase of TECS totaled US$288,400, about US$41,200 per month. Other healthcare facilities may be able to use a similar protocol to extend care to at-risk patients.
机译:背景:由于年龄和合并症,退伍军人患眼疾的风险很高。在美国退伍军人医院管理局的整个医院和诊所网络中,获得眼保健服务具有挑战性,因为它是第三繁忙的门诊临床服务,并且以每年9%的速度增长。问题:由于距离远,旅行成本高昂,以及许多人居住在医疗服务不足的地区,由于农村地区和高度农村地区的退伍军人面临着更多的眼保健障碍。同样,由于缺少专科护理,农村退伍军人可能比非农村退伍军人被诊断为眼病晚期。 2015年3月,亚特兰大退伍军人事务局(VA)推出了基于技术的眼保健服务(TECS),作为一项质量改进项目,旨在为农村退伍军人提供眼科检查服务。经验教训:通过跟踪包括人口统计和获得护理指标在内的多种指标,数据显示,TECS显着改善了获得护理的机会,有33%的退伍军人获得了当日就诊机会,> 98%的退伍军人在请求后30天内接受了预约。 TECS还为绝大部分无家可归的退伍军人提供了医疗服务,占筛查患者的10.6%。最后,与在医疗中心完成面对面考试相比,TECS降低了医疗保健成本,每次访问最多可节省VA 148美元,往返旅行报销费用可为每位患者节省约52美元。在TECS的早期阶段,VA系统的总体节省总计288,400美元,每月约41,200美元。其他医疗机构也可以使用类似的协议将护理范围扩大到高危患者。



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