首页> 外文期刊>Royal Society Open Science >Adaptive nowcasting of influenza outbreaks using?Google searches

Adaptive nowcasting of influenza outbreaks using?Google searches

机译:使用 Google 搜索对流感暴发进行适应性临近预报



Seasonal influenza outbreaks and pandemics of new strains of the influenza virus affect humans around the globe. However, traditional systems for measuring the spread of flu infections deliver results with one or two weeks delay. Recent research suggests that data on queries made to the search engine Google can be used to address this problem, providing real-time estimates of levels of influenza-like illness in a population. Others have however argued that equally good estimates of current flu levels can be forecast using historic flu measurements. Here, we build dynamic ‘nowcasting’ models; in other words, forecasting models that estimate current levels of influenza, before the release of official data one week later. We find that when using Google Flu Trends data in combination with historic flu levels, the mean absolute error (MAE) of in-sample ‘nowcasts’ can be significantly reduced by 14.4%, compared with a baseline model that uses historic data on flu levels only. We further demonstrate that the MAE of out-of-sample nowcasts can also be significantly reduced by between 16.0% and 52.7%, depending on the length of the sliding training interval. We conclude that, using adaptive models, Google Flu Trends data can indeed be used to improve real-time influenza monitoring, even when official reports of flu infections are available with only one week's delay.
机译:季节性流感爆发和新型流感病毒大流行影响全球各地的人类。但是,传统的测量流感感染传播的系统会延迟一到两周才能得出结果。最近的研究表明,可以使用对搜索引擎Google的查询数据来解决此问题,从而实时估算出人群中类似流感的疾病水平。然而,其他人则认为,使用历史流感测量值可以对当前流感水平进行同样好的估计。在这里,我们建立动态的“播报”模型;换句话说,一个预测模型可以在一周后发布官方数据之前估算当前的流感水平。我们发现,将Google Flu Trends数据与历史流感水平结合使用时,与使用历史水平的流感数据基线模型相比,样本内“即时预测”的平均绝对误差(MAE)可以显着降低14.4%只要。我们进一步证明,根据滑动训练间隔的长度,样本外临近预报的MAE也可以显着降低16.0%至52.7%。我们得出的结论是,即使只有延迟一周的可用流感官方报告,使用自适应模型,Google流感趋势数据确实可以用于改善实时流感监测。



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