首页> 外文期刊>Revista de Artes Marciales Asiaticas >Social history of Capoeira through images. The Raul Pederneiras’ "silhouettes"

Social history of Capoeira through images. The Raul Pederneiras’ "silhouettes"

机译:卡波耶拉的社会历史通过图像。劳尔·佩德内拉斯(Raul Pederneiras)的“剪影”



The study of Capoeira through the interpretation of images is characterized by being practically non-existent, and contains superficial and scarcely informed interpretations of its presence in Brazil. This study is based on the historical method and also is supported by the principles of the Historical Archaeology (Orser Jr., 1992) and those developed by Panofsky (1986) on the interpretation of images. For this study, we selected an iconography - "Silhouette" - by Pederneiras (1926). From this artist’s work and the accompanying text it is highlighted the apology of Brazilian's fight and its supremacy over other self-defense expressions known at the time in Brazil, the recognition of the potential of Capoeira as a physical exercise, and Pederneira’s comments on some contextual facts, highlighting the interference of its practitioners in Brazilian politics and their role as bodyguards recruited by politicians. He also referred its most famous practitioners, the gangs of Capoeira and their typical language and costumes in the Carioca society of the late 19th and early 20th century. This information, and specially the strokes depicted in the image, allows us to reconstruct the history of Capoeira movements, given the scarcity of historical sources in this field. Through this silhouette, Pederneiras sought to raise awareness among government authorities to adopt the Brazilian fight as a national identity element and recognize it as the National Gymnastics. ?.
机译:通过图像解释对卡波耶拉进行的研究的特点是几乎不存在,并且对它在巴西的存在进行了肤浅的,鲜为人知的解释。这项研究是基于历史方法的,并得到了历史考古学原理(Orser Jr.,1992)和Panofsky(1986)在图像解释方面的发展的支持。在这项研究中,我们选择了Pederneiras(1926)的肖像画“ Silhouette”。从这位艺术家的作品和随附的文字中,可以明显地看出巴西人的战斗的道歉及其对当时巴西已知的其他自卫表达的至高无上,对卡波耶拉作为体育锻炼的潜力的认识,以及佩德内拉在某些背景下的评论事实,突显了巴西从业人员对巴西政治的干预以及他们作为政客招募的保镖的作用。他还介绍了19世纪末至20世纪初Carioca社会中最著名的从业者Capoeira的帮派及其典型的语言和服饰。鉴于该领域历史资料的匮乏,这些信息,特别是图像中描绘的笔画,使我们能够重建卡波耶拉运动的历史。佩德涅拉斯(Pederneiras)通过这种轮廓试图提高政府当局的意识,将巴西搏斗作为一种民族认同元素,并将其视为国家体操。 ?



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