首页> 外文期刊>Revista de Artes Marciales Asiaticas >Nutritional status, knowledge and body image assessment of mixed martial arts athletes

Nutritional status, knowledge and body image assessment of mixed martial arts athletes




With the changes in lifestyle, eating habits and new training methodologies, it becomes important that scientific research fills gaps in anthropometric and nutritional knowledge fields, with the purpose of improving martial arts and combat sports athletes’ physical fitness and performance during competition and training. This study aimed to assess the nutritional status and knowledge in martial arts fighters, and relate it to their perception of body image. We evaluated 37 male fighters, who practiced different forms of martial arts in two academies in west S?o Paulo. To measure the nutritional status body weight, height and skinfolds were assessed. The perception of body image and nutritional knowledge were also assessed. The sample showed an average of 25 ± 5 years, 84.4 ± 15.78 kg, 1.76 ± 0.07 m and fat percentage of 14.12 ± 5.46. The mean body mass index was 26.95 ± 3.75 kg/m2, which means they were overweight. 70.27% of the fighters had moderate nutritional knowledge, 24.32% low knowledge and the remaining 5.41% high knowledge. In relation to the nutritional status, the fighters were mostly overweight and had fat percentage below average, with high body image dissatisfaction and moderate nutritional knowledge.
机译:随着生活方式,饮食习惯和新训练方法的变化,科学研究必须填补人体测量学和营养知识领域的空白,以改善武术水平,并在比赛和训练过程中对抗运动运动员的身体素质和表现。这项研究旨在评估武术战士的营养状况和知识,并将其与他们对身体形象的感知联系起来。我们评估了37名男战士,他们在圣保罗西部的两个学院里练习过不同形式的武术。为了测量营养状况,评估了体重,身高和皮褶。人体形象的感知和营养知识也进行了评估。样品显示平均为25±5年,84.4±15.78千克,1.76±0.07 m和脂肪百分比为14.12±5.46。平均体重指数为26.95±3.75 kg / m2,这意味着它们超重。 70.27%的战士拥有中级营养知识,24.32%的低知识者,剩余的5.41%的知识者。关于营养状况,这些战士大多超重,脂肪百分比低于平均水平,对身体形象的不满意程度高,营养知识中等。



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