首页> 外文期刊>Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad >Flowering phenology and flower visitors of the Macana Palm Wettinia kalbreyeri (Arecaceae) in an Andean montane forest

Flowering phenology and flower visitors of the Macana Palm Wettinia kalbreyeri (Arecaceae) in an Andean montane forest

机译:在安第斯山脉的山地森林中,Macana Palm Wettinia kalbreyeri(菊科)的开花物候和开花访客



The study of floral phenology patterns and floral visitors of palms is key to understanding evolutionary interactions between plants and insects. We studied the flowering pattern and floral visitors of Wettinia kalbreyeri in an Andean montane forest of Colombia. We monitored 100 adult palms throughout 1-year and observed an asynchronous flowering pattern at the population level. Collectively, those 100 individuals developed 125 inflorescences, composed of 96 staminates, 28 pistillates, and 1 androgynous. We classified 39 morphotypes of insect floral visitors, including beetles, bees, and flies. The composition and abundance of floral visitors between staminate and pistillate inflorescences were markedly different. Sap beetles – Mystrops – were the most abundant visitors in both pistillate and staminate inflorescences. We suggest that the higher production of staminate inflorescences compared to pistillate inflorescences and the availability of inflorescences throughout the year may promote a permanent and abundant community of floral visitors. This study suggests that Mystrops are associated with Wettinia species in high altitude forests, as it also occurs in Ceroxylum species.
机译:对花物物候模式和棕榈花访客的研究是理解植物与昆虫之间相互作用的关键。我们研究了哥伦比亚安第斯山地森林中的Wettinia kalbreyeri的开花模式和花卉访客。我们在整个1年中监测了100只成年棕榈树,并观察到种群水平上的异步开花模式。总体而言,这100个个体发育了125个花序,由96个门生,28个雌蕊和1个雌雄同体组成。我们对39种昆虫花卉访客的形态类型进行了分类,其中包括甲虫,蜜蜂和苍蝇。雄蕊和雌蕊花序之间的花访客的组成和丰度明显不同。幼树甲虫(Mystrops)是雌花和雄蕊花序中最丰富的访客。我们建议,与雌蕊花序相比,雄蕊花序的产量更高,并且全年可获得花序,这可能会促进花香访客的永久性和丰富性。这项研究表明,Mystrops与高原森林中的Wettinia物种有关,因为它也存在于Ceroxylum物种中。



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