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Study of Aedes aegypti population with emphasis on the gonotrophic cycle length and identification of arboviruses: implications for vector management in cemeteries




Aedes aegypti is the vector of the arboviruses causing dengue, chikungunya and zika infections in Mexico. However, its presence in public places has not been fully evaluated. In a cemetery from Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, the productivity of Ae. aegypti , the gonotrophic cycle, and the presence of Ae. aegypti females infected with arboviruses were evaluated. Immature and adult mosquitoes were inspected every two months between April 2016 to June 2017. For the gonotrophic cycle length, the daily pattern of total and parous female ratio was registered and was analyzed using time series analysis. Ae. aegypti females were sorted into pools and assayed for flavivirus RNA by RT-PCR and Sanger sequencing. Aedes aegypti immatures represented 82.86% (8,627/10,411) of the collection. In total, 1,648 Ae. aegypti females were sorted into 166 pools. Two pools were positive; one for dengue virus (DENV-1) and the other for zika virus (ZIKV). The phylogenetic analysis revealed that the DENV-1 is more closely related to isolates from Brazil. While ZIKV is more closely related to the Asian lineage, which were isolates from Guatemala and Mexico. We report some evidence of vertical transmission of DENV-1 in nulliparous females of Ae. aegypti . The gonotrophic cycle was four and three days in the rainy and dry season, respectively. The cemetery of Merida is an important focus of Ae. aegypti proliferation, and these environments may play a role in arboviruses transmission; probably limiting the efficacy of attempts to suppress the presence of mosquitoes in domestic environments.
机译:埃及伊蚊是在墨西哥引起登革热,基孔肯雅热和寨卡病毒感染的虫媒病毒的载体。但是,其在公共场所的存在尚未得到充分评估。在墨西哥尤卡坦州梅里达市的一座公墓中,Ae的生产力很高。 aegypti,非营养周期和Ae的存在。评价感染了虫媒病毒的埃及雌性。在2016年4月至2017年6月之间,每两个月检查一次未成熟和成年蚊子。对于非营养性周期长度,记录了雌性和雌性总比率的每日模式,并使用时间序列分析进行了分析。 e将埃及埃及雌猫分类,并通过RT-PCR和Sanger测序检测黄病毒RNA。埃及伊蚊未成年人占该品种的82.86%(8,627 / 10,411)。总计1,648 Ae。埃及雌性被分为166个池。有两个是积极的。一种用于登革热病毒(DENV-1),另一种用于寨卡病毒(ZIKV)。系统发育分析表明,DENV-1与来自巴西的分离株更紧密相关。 ZIKV与亚洲血统更紧密相关,亚洲血统来自危地马拉和墨西哥。我们报告了一些证据证明DENV-1在Ae的不孕女性中垂直传播。埃及在雨季和旱季,营养营养周期分别为四天和三天。梅里达的墓地是大江户的重要重点。埃及埃及人繁殖,这些环境可能在虫媒病毒传播中起作用;可能会限制尝试抑制家庭环境中蚊子的存在的功效。



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