首页> 外文期刊>Revista GEPEC >Desafios para a inser??o do Estado do Paraná na cadeia produtiva do biodiesel

Desafios para a inser??o do Estado do Paraná na cadeia produtiva do biodiesel




This paper introduces and examines the insert paranaense in the National Production and Use of Biodiesel Program (PNPB). State of Parana if emphasize in the scenario national by persistent in the technological development process interested use of biodiesel, started in the 1970’s. In this period, was realized many exams, that ones analyzed the effects about of mixture of alcohol or biodiesel in the diesel. This process was followed by construction of an infra-structure research, institutional and, consolidation of association between the public e private sectors. In 2003, the paranaense govern instituted the Bioenergy Paranaense Program and, in 2004, the Brazilian Govern instituted the PNPB. Although, State of Parana not yet provided to conduct all potential agricultural and technological to installation of a competitive productive structure nationally and internationally. Also, State of Parana not provided to stimulate the integration of small farmer in the chain productive of biodiesel.



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