首页> 外文期刊>Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia >Genetic variability of the components of seed yield in interspecific hybrids of Paspalum

Genetic variability of the components of seed yield in interspecific hybrids of Paspalum




This study aimed to determine the variability and expression of the components of seed yield in twenty-three apomictic Paspalum plicatulum ?? Paspalum lepton hybrids and two male parent plants ( P. lepton ). We used a randomized block design with genotypes individually arranged into ten blocks. The variables were: number of total tillers/plant, number of vegetative tillers/plant, number of reproductive tillers/plant, percentage of reproductive tillers, number of racemes/inflorescence, number of seeds/inflorescence, weight of a thousand seeds, and seed yield. We assessed genetic variability using multivariate procedures: generalized Mahalanobis distance, Tocher's clustering optimization method, and quantification of the relative contribution of the variables. The quantification of variability, based on the components of seed yield of Paspalum plicatulum ?? Paspalum lepton hybrids, allows the formation of six groups of genotypes using Tocher's method, with high means for the characteristics studied. Weight of a thousand seeds and number of seeds/inflorescence were the traits that most contributed to the genetic dissimilarity. Genetic crosses involving genotype 10E5052 from group VI and 10E4071 from group V could be undertaken to isolate high yielding segregants, since these genotypes have high seed yielding potential.
机译:这项研究旨在确定二十三个无融合生殖的青Pa的种子产量组成的变异性和表达。 Paspalum lepton杂种和两个雄性亲本植物(P. lepton)。我们使用随机区组设计,将基因型分别布置成十个区组。变量为:总分ers /植物数,无性分ers /植物数,生殖分//植物数,生殖分percentage的百分比,总消旋体/花序数,种子/花序数,一千粒种子的重量和种子让。我们使用多元程序评估了遗传变异性:广义马氏距离,Tocher聚类优化方法和变量相对贡献的量化。变异性的定量,基于青spa的种子产量组成Paspalum lepton杂种可以使用Tocher's方法形成六组基因型,并具有很高的研究特征。一千粒种子的重量和种子/花序的数量是造成遗传差异的主要原因。可以进行涉及来自VI族的10E5052基因型和来自V族的10E4071基因型的遗传杂交以分离高产量的分离子,因为这些基因型具有高的种子产量潜力。



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