首页> 外文期刊>Revista Interamericana de Ambiente y Turismo >Rural tourism and its sociocultural impact, by Casacay Parish residents, el 0ro Province, Ecuador

Rural tourism and its sociocultural impact, by Casacay Parish residents, el 0ro Province, Ecuador

机译:厄瓜多尔El 0ro省的Casacay Parish居民对乡村旅游及其社会文化的影响



The lack of tourism services in some areas of thecountry could be explained by the scant attention paid by thecompetent bodies that must propose and create promotionand entrepreneurship programs in the rural communities toimprove tourism services. The central problem of the limitedtourism development in Casacay, El Oro, Ecuador, canbe addressed with adequate training, taking advantage ofthe offer presented in this tourist resort and stimulating theentrepreneurial tourism vision in this area. In this study, fieldwork was undertaken relating to the type of tourism and theperspective that the local residents have of the socioculturalimpact this can entail. According to the initial diagnosis,the tourists who arrive in the area are seeking sport activities,handicrafts and memories they can gain from their visit, consideringthe Casacay river to be the major attraction in thearea. The residents are at ease with tourism and are very usedto it. Nevertheless, the tourism resource has not been sufficientlyexploited to drive sustainable local development thatcan improve the sector and the quality of life of the residentsof Casacay.
机译:国家某些地区缺乏旅游服务的原因可以由主管机构缺乏重视,这些机构必须提出并制定农村社区的促进和创业计划以改善旅游服务。厄瓜多尔El Oro卡萨卡伊旅游业发展有限的核心问题可以通过适当的培训加以解决,以利用该旅游胜地的报价并激发该地区的企业家旅游视野。在这项研究中,进行了与旅游类型有关的田野调查,并考察了当地居民对这可能带来的社会文化影响。根据初步诊断,考虑到卡萨卡伊河是该地区的主要景点,到达该地区的游客正在寻求体育活动,手工艺品和从中获得的回忆。居民对旅游很放松,也很习惯。然而,尚未充分开发旅游资源以推动可持续的地方发展,从而无法改善卡萨凯岛居民的生活水平和生活质量。



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