首页> 外文期刊>Natural science >Exploration for matter stability & the material basis and mechanism for the interaction of light, electricity and magnetic

Exploration for matter stability & the material basis and mechanism for the interaction of light, electricity and magnetic




This paper is about the theory of “basic gravitinoes” (in early papers, it was referred to WG) in the material world, which make up the “dark matter” and the elementary particles as well. The strong interaction is generated by the Pressure Effect, which is resulted in the accumulation of the overall gravitation from all the galaxy gravitinoes. The Model for Stable-state Particle Basic Body indicates three stable states which correspond to protons, electrons and neutrons respectively and have been proven by all the particle collision experiments. It’s the root cause that only the short-lived particles resulted in the collisions. The study is supported by all experiments of light propagation, especially the wave-particle duality, and tries to make the theoretical interpretation for three laws of electromagnetic experiment so that the Maxwell’s field equations are derived ultimately and theoretically.



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