首页> 外文期刊>Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia >Estudo das precipita??es máximas anuais em Presidente Prudente

Estudo das precipita??es máximas anuais em Presidente Prudente

机译:Presidente Prudente年最大降雨量的研究



Considering the socioeconomic importance of Presidente Prudente area, this study aimed at to estimate the maximum pluvial precipitation expected for different levels of probability and to check the fitting degree of the data to the Gumbel model, with the parameter estimation obtained by the maximum likelihood approach. The Kolmogorov-Sminorv (K-S) test showed that the Gumbel distribution has fitted with p-value larger than 0.28 for all of the time periods considered, showing that the Gumbel distribution presents a good fitting to the observed data representing the maximum pluvial precipitations values. The precipitation estimates obtained by the maximum likelihood approach are consistent allowing to reproduce with plenty reliability the rainfall regime for Presidente Prudente region. Therefore, the knowledge of the monthly maximum pluvial precipitation distribution and the expected maximum daily precipitation estimates permits a better strategic planning thus minimizing the risk of economical losses for this region.
机译:考虑到Presidente Prudente地区的社会经济重要性,本研究旨在估计在不同概率水平下预期的最大雨量降水,并检查数据与Gumbel模型的拟合程度,并通过最大似然法获得参数估计值。 Kolmogorov-Sminorv(K-S)测试表明,在所有考虑的时间段内,Gumbel分布的p值均大于0.28,这表明Gumbel分布与代表最大雨量降水值的观测数据非常吻合。通过最大似然法获得的降水量估计值是一致的,从而可以以很高的可靠性再现总统普鲁登特地区的降雨情况。因此,了解每月最大的小雨量分布和预期的最大每天的雨量估计数可以更好地进行战略规划,从而使该地区的经济损失风险最小化。



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