首页> 外文期刊>Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte >Efeitos do treinamento físico durante a gesta??o sobre a evolu??o ponderal, glicemia e colesterolemia de ratos adultos submetidos à desnutri??o perinatal

Efeitos do treinamento físico durante a gesta??o sobre a evolu??o ponderal, glicemia e colesterolemia de ratos adultos submetidos à desnutri??o perinatal




The incompatibility of perinatal undernutrition and adequate nutrition during development increases the risk of early onset of non-communicable diseases in adulthood. However, it has been considered that maternal physical activity may attenuate these effects. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of physical training during pregnancy on body weight gain, waist circumference, glycaemia and cholesterolemia in adult offspring submitted to perinatal undernutrition. Female Wistar rats (n = 12) were divided into four groups: control (C, n = 3), trained (T, n = 3), undernourished (D, n = 3) undernourished and trained (T+D, n = 3). During gestation and lactation, D and T+D groups were fed a low protein diet (8% casein) and C and T groups fed a normal protein diet (17% casein). The protocol of moderate physical training was performed on a treadmill (5 days/week, 60 min/day, at 65% of VO2max) and began 4 weeks before pregnancy. At pregnancy, the duration and intensity of training were reduced (5 days/week, 20 min/day, at 30% VO2max) until the 19th prenatal day. At weaning, male pups (CP = 9, TP = 9, DP = 7, T+DP = 9) received standard diet and evaluations took place at 270 days old. Abdominal circumference (AC) was evaluated in relation to body weight. Enzymatic colorimetric method glucose-oxidase/peroxidase and cholesterol-oxidase was used to evaluate fasting glycaemia and cholesterolemia, respectively. Rats from DP group showed high body weight gain during growth, values of CA, glycaemia and cholesterolemia when compared to CP. Concerning the T+DP group,body weight gain was attenuated, and the CA, glycaemia and cholesterolemia were normalized (p<0.05). These results demonstrate that physical training during pregnancy reduces the effects of perinatal undernutrition on some murinometric and biochemical indicators of adult offspring.
机译:围产期营养不良和发育期间营养不足不相容,会增加成年期非传染性疾病早发的风险。但是,已经考虑到孕妇的身体活动可能会减弱这些影响。这项研究旨在评估怀孕期间体育锻炼对围产期营养不良的成年后代体重增加,腰围,血糖和胆固醇水平的影响。 Wistar雌性大鼠(n = 12)分为四组:对照组(C,n = 3),训练有素(T,n = 3),食物不足(D,n = 3)和食物不足(T + D,n = 3)。在妊娠和哺乳期间,D和T + D组喂养低蛋白饮食(8%酪蛋白),C和T组喂养正常蛋白饮食(17%酪蛋白)。在跑步机上进行中等程度的身体锻炼(5天/周,60分钟/天,最大摄氧量为65%),并在怀孕前4周开始。在怀孕时,训练的持续时间和强度会减少(5天/周,20分钟/天,最大摄氧量为30%),直到产前19天。断奶时,雄性幼仔(CP = 9,TP = 9,DP = 7,T + DP = 9)接受标准饮食,并在270天大时进行评估。评估相对于体重的腹围(AC)。酶比色法分别用葡萄糖氧化酶/过氧化物酶和胆固醇氧化酶评估空腹血糖和胆固醇血症。与CP相比,DP组的大鼠在生长过程中表现出较高的体重增加,CA值,血糖和胆固醇血症。对于T + DP组,体重增加减轻,CA,血糖和胆固醇血症正常化(p <0.05)。这些结果表明,怀孕期间进行体育锻炼可降低围产期营养不良对成年后代某些尿量和生化指标的影响。


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