首页> 外文期刊>Revista Brasileira de Politicas Publicas >Políticas públicas, agricultura familiar e cidadania no Brasil: O caso do PRONAF

Políticas públicas, agricultura familiar e cidadania no Brasil: O caso do PRONAF




This article discusses the reflections of Pronaf as a public policy thatenables the construction of a strong family farm, able to leverage the socialpromotion of rural workers, and bring to the families involved economicresources capable of ensuring their social reproduction. Driven by technologicalinnovation occurred in the field in recent decades, the activity isaltering the social relations of work and income, because as small farms implementmechanized infrastructure, this tends to increase the coefficient of production with the necessary incentives in public policy for this to occur. So this work to study the Pronafin income distribution in the field, as guarantor policy permanence of small farmers on their land, whichinhibit the rural exodus, and being responsible for the generation of employment and livelihood, especiallythe emancipation human, economic, social and cultural class. We can approach the literature and the conceptualdebate, which aims to emphasize the importance of discussion on the topic, as it reflects the socialreality built through years of struggle by the social movements and workers, and that has fostered creatingpublic policies for the sector as the case of Pronaf. Finally, one can conclude that an activity such as smallproducers, needs planning, and count with the participation of all stakeholders. However, the Pronaf is aresponse and the possibility of social change in rural areas, and an alternative to the sustainable developmentof Brazilian agriculture.



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