首页> 外文期刊>Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte >Compara??o entre a atividade EMG do peitoral maior, deltóide anterior e tríceps braquial durante os exercícios supino reto e crucifixo

Compara??o entre a atividade EMG do peitoral maior, deltóide anterior e tríceps braquial durante os exercícios supino reto e crucifixo




The identification of the characteristics of each movement and its adjustment to the training goals are tasks that demand the interaction of many knowledge areas. These tasks are essential to the success in sports activities and training programs designed with athletic, aesthetic or healthy purposes. The objective of the present study was to compare the electromyograhic (EMG) activity of the pectoralis major (PM), anterior deltoids (DA) and triceps brachii (TB) muscles during the barbell bench press (SP) and the peck deck (PD) exercises. EMG activity of TB, PM and DA were assessed during 10 maximum repetitions performed in SP and PD in 13 trained men. The results did not show any differences between exercises for PM and DA activity; however, TB activity was higher for SP than PD exercise. During SP, the PM muscle activity was higher than TB. There were no differences between PM and DA, or between DA and TB. During the PD exercise, the PM and DA muscle activities were higher than TB. There were no differences between PM and DA. It was concluded that the prime movers of both exercise are DA and PM, and there are no differences between them. Therefore, both PD and SP could be performed with the purpose to stimulate DA and PM muscles, depending on the availability of the equipments and/or the specificity of the motor tasks.
机译:识别每个动作的特征及其对训练目标的调整是需要许多知识领域相互作用的任务。这些任务对于成功开展体育活动和以体育,美学或健康为目的的培训计划至关重要。本研究的目的是比较杠铃卧推(SP)和啄板(PD)期间胸大肌(PM),前三角肌(DA)和肱三头肌(TB)肌肉的肌电(EMG)活性练习。在13名受过训练的男性中,在SP和PD中进行了10次最大重复,评估了TB,PM和DA的EMG活性。结果表明,PM和DA活动之间没有差异。但是,SP的结核病活性高于PD的结核病活性。在SP期间,PM肌肉活动高于TB。 PM和DA或DA和TB之间没有差异。在PD运动期间,PM和DA肌肉活动高于TB。 PM和DA之间没有差异。可以得出结论,两种运动的原动力都是DA和PM,两者之间没有差异。因此,PD和SP均可根据刺激DA和PM肌肉的目的进行,具体取决于设备的可用性和/或运动任务的特殊性。



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