首页> 外文期刊>Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura >Boro em abacaxizeiro 'Pérola' no norte fluminense: teores, distribui??o e características do fruto

Boro em abacaxizeiro 'Pérola' no norte fluminense: teores, distribui??o e características do fruto




The appropriate evaluation of the nutritional state of a pineapple plant and the fulfillment of its nutritional needs are important factors to improve fruit quality and production levels. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the application of boron on its contents, distribution in the plant and fruit characteristics, in addition to discussing the range of B considered appropriate for pineapple. Boron concentration in different parts of the 'D' leaf was determined along the growth cycle of pineapple plants. The experiment was carried out in S?o Francisco de Itabapuana-Rio de Janeiro. The experimental design was completely randomized blocks, with 4 replicates and 5 treatments: no B application; monthly foliar sprays of borax, for 6 months before floral induction; monthly foliar sprays of borax, for 6 months after floral induction; monthly foliar sprays of borax, from 6 months before until 6 months after floral induction, and B application, in the axils of the basal leaves of the plant, at 30 days before the floral induction. Each sample consisted of five 'D' leaves, collected at 230, 300, 370, 450 and 520 days after planting. A foliar application of B determined the trend of increasing the total soluble solids content of the pineapple fruit. The weight and size of the fruit were not significantly affected by the treatments. B distribution along the 'D' leaf was not uniform. In general, the largest B concentration was observed in the apical portion of the leaf and the smallest in the non-chlorophyllated portion of the leaf. Borax foliar application increased B concentration in median and apical portions of the leaf but had no effect on basal and non-chlorophyllated portions of the leaf. The lack of symptoms of boron deficiency associated with a B concentration below the minimum limit suggests that the minimum limit is higher than the real limit of pineapple plants.
机译:菠萝植物营养状况的适当评估及其营养需求的满足是提高果实品质和生产水平的重要因素。这项研究旨在评估硼对硼的含量,在植物中的分布和果实特性的影响,此外还讨论了适用于菠萝的硼含量范围。沿着菠萝植物的生长周期确定“ D”叶不同部分的硼浓度。实验是在圣弗朗西斯科·德·伊塔巴布亚纳·里约热内卢进行的。实验设计为完全随机区组,重复4次,共5次处理:无B施用;每月进行一次硼砂叶面喷雾,花诱导前6个月;花粉诱导后6个月每月一次的硼砂叶面喷剂;从花诱导前的6个月到花诱导后的6个月,每月一次喷洒硼砂叶,并在花诱导前30天在植物基叶的腋窝中施用B。每个样品由五片“ D”叶组成,分别在种植后230、300、370、450和520天收集。叶面喷施B决定了菠萝果实总可溶性固形物含量增加的趋势。处理对水果的重量和大小没有显着影响。沿“ D”叶的B分布不均匀。通常,在叶的顶端部分观察到最大的B浓度,在叶的非叶绿素部分观察到最小的B浓度。硼砂叶面施用增加了叶片中部和顶端部分的B浓度,但对叶片的基础和非叶绿素部分没有影响。硼含量低于最低限度而缺乏硼缺乏症状,表明最低限度高于菠萝植物的实际限度。



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