首页> 外文期刊>Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura >Avalia??o de variante somaclonal de porte baixo de bananeira 'Nanic?o Jangada' (Musa sp) em duas densidades

Avalia??o de variante somaclonal de porte baixo de bananeira 'Nanic?o Jangada' (Musa sp) em duas densidades

机译:以两种密度评估香蕉'Nanic?O Jangada'(Musa sp)的小型体细胞克隆变体



A dwarf somaclonal variant of banana was evaluated under two planting densities. It was compared with the cultivar "Nanic?o Jangada", the original clone from which the variant derived. The genotypes 'Nanic?o Jangada'(control) and the somaclone, represented by selections 224 and 225 from a previous experiment, were evaluated at spaced 2.0 m X 2.0 m (density of 2500 plants ha-1) and 3.0 m X 2.0 m (1666 plants ha-1) at the "Fazenda de Ensino e Pesquisa da Faculdade de Engenharia - UNESP", Campus de Ilha Solteira, SP. The experiment was conducted in randomized complete blocks with 5 replications, using micropropagated plants under irrigation from December 1998 to March 2001, with evaluation of the first two production cycles. Planting density and production cycle significantly affected estimated fruit yield, with the average in the densest cultivation being 81.25 t.ha-1 in the 1st cycle and 67.93 t.ha-1 in the second. In the lowest planting density cultivation, yield was estimated to be 51.35 t.ha-1 in the 1st cycle and 44.08 t.ha-1 in the 2nd. The dwarf somaclone selections were shorter and produced earlier with yield similar to cv. "Nanic?o Jangada" in the first cycle. In the second cycle, there was a decrease in yield, especially for the somaclone variant selection.
机译:在两种种植密度下评估了香蕉矮小体细胞克隆变体。将其与品种“ Nanic?o Jangada”(变体所源自的原始克隆)进行了比较。基因型'Nanic?o Jangada'(对照)和somaclone由先前实验中的选择224和225代表,分别以2.0 m X 2.0 m(2500株ha-1的密度)和3.0 m X 2.0 m进行了评估。 (SPF),位于“ Engenharia的Fazenda de Ensino e Pesquisa da Faculdade-UNESP”(1666植物ha-1)。从1998年12月至2001年3月,使用微繁殖植物在灌溉条件下对5个重复的随机完整块进行了实验,并评估了前两个生产周期。种植密度和生产周期显着影响估计的水果产量,最密集栽培的平均产量在第一个周期为81.25 t.ha-1,在第二个周期为67.93 t.ha-1。在最低种植密度的栽培中,估计第一周期的产量为51.35 t.ha-1,第二周期的产量为44.08 t.ha-1。矮人种克隆的选择较短,产生较早,产量与cv相似。第一个周期中的“ Nanic?o Jangada”。在第二个周期中,产量下降,特别是对于somaclone变种选择。


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