首页> 外文期刊>Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura >Supera??o in vitro da dormência de embri?es do porta-enxerto de macieira M9 (Malus pumilla Mill.)

Supera??o in vitro da dormência de embri?es do porta-enxerto de macieira M9 (Malus pumilla Mill.)

机译:M9苹果砧木(Malus pumilla Mill。)中胚胎休眠的体外克服



The embryo dormancy in apple is a limiting factor in breeding programs with this species. Thus the present work was carried out in order to study the in vitro germination of M9 apple dormant embryos, originated from the Experimental Station of S?o Joaquim (EPAGRI/SC). The embryos, excised from mature seeds were inoculated in the basal culture medium MS supplemented with of sucrose (30 g.L-1), coconut water (15%), casein hydrolysate (CH) (500 mg.L-1), AIA (0 and 14 μM); GA3 (0 and 1.5 μM); and three citokinins sources: (Kin (5 μM); 2iP (12 μM) and BAP (4 μM). The culture medium was gellified with agar (6 g.L-1). The cultures were maintained in the dark during 10 days, then transferred to growth room under 16 hours of light period, 25 ± 2°C, temperature, and 19 μE.m-2.s-1 of luminous radiation. The results showed that the highest value for embryo germination (75%) was obtained in MS culture medium supplemented with CH, AIA (14 μM), GA3 (1.5 μM), and Kin (5 μM). When, in this treatment the Kin was replaced by BAP (4 μM), it was observed the callus induction and the subsequent proliferation of buds and shoots, reaching values of 2.3 shoots/embryos and 12.3 buds/shoot. The length of shoots was 4 cm, without statistical differences between the different treatments. The highest percentage of callus induction occurred in culture medium supplemented with AIA, Kin, and 2-iP. The culture medium MS half strength supplemented with CH, coconut water and free of growth regulators resulted in values of 25% of germination. The root number was highest in the culture medium supplemented with AIA (14 μM), GA3 (1.5 μM), and CH. The average root length (4.0) was not affected by any particular treatment. Thus, this technique is an efficient alternative to the cool treatments for dormancy suppression.
机译:苹果的胚胎休眠是该物种繁殖计划的一个限制因素。因此,进行本工作是为了研究源自圣华金实验站(EPAGRI / SC)的M9苹果休眠胚的体外萌发。从成熟种子中切下的胚胎接种到基础培养基MS中,该培养基中添加了蔗糖(30 gL-1),椰子水(15%),酪蛋白水解物(CH)(500 mg.L-1),AIA(0和14μM); GA3(0和1.5μM);三种细胞分裂素来源:(Kin(5μM); 2iP(12μM)和BAP(4μM)。培养基用琼脂(6 gL-1)凝胶化。将培养物在黑暗中保持10天,然后在16小时的光照,25±2°C,温度和19μE.m-2.s-1的光辐射下转移到生长室,结果表明获得了最高的胚发芽率(75%)在补充有CH,AIA(14μM),GA3(1.5μM)和Kin(5μM)的MS培养基中,在这种处理中,Kin被BAP(4μM)替代时,观察到了愈伤组织的诱导和随后芽和芽的增殖,分别达到2.3芽/胚和12.3芽/芽;芽的长度为4 cm,不同处理之间无统计学差异;在添加AIA的培养基中愈伤组织诱导的百分比最高,Kin和2-iP。培养基MS的半强度补充有CH,椰子水且不含生长调节剂达到发芽率的25%。在补充了AIA(14μM),GA3(1.5μM)和CH的培养基中,根数最高。平均根长(4.0)不受任何特殊处理的影响。因此,该技术是抑制休眠的冷处理的有效替代方法。



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