首页> 外文期刊>Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agricola e Ambiental >Legal reserve allocation in rural properties: from the cartesian to the holistic

Legal reserve allocation in rural properties: from the cartesian to the holistic




The Brazilian Forest Code (Federal Law 4771/1965), by defining Permanent Protection Areas (PPA) and Legal Reserves (LR) on every rural property in the country, is one of the most important measures to mitigate environmental impacts from farming activities. As in many other states, such legislation has been disregarded in Paraná. To comply with Forest Code requirements and define time limits for its accomplishment, the State of Paraná has enacted the System for Maintenance, Recovery and Protection for the Legal Reserve and Permanent Protection Areas - SISLEG (State Decree 3320/2004). This paper analises the accomplishment of this system in a typical farmstead in the Campos Gerais of Paraná. Based on remote sensing techniques, PPAs were mapped and the total area for LR composition defined. As the legislation does not clearly define places for the location of LRs, two perspectives were approached: the maximization of the farming potential of the property and of nature conservation, based on the environmental and hydrographic context in which the farm is embedded. It is concluded that the law can contribute to mitigate some impacts, but it does not, however, contemplate important concepts for territorial planning and nature conservation.



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