首页> 外文期刊>Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina >Introducción a la teoría aerodinámica de las bombas de alto vacío a chorro de vapor

Introducción a la teoría aerodinámica de las bombas de alto vacío a chorro de vapor




Introduotion to the Aerodynamioal Theory 01 the Vapor Jet highVaouum Pump. - Results obtained with three glass pumps of 2 and 3stages, two of them used with mercury and with oil, 11110w to dis·entanglethe factors governing tlieir functioning. It is founa that the lesser effieiencyof mercury at 'low pressures is due to a higher Gaede's flow andthat its reported hig4er efficiency at relatively high pressures is duemainly to the fact that the same Watt imput develops larger boiler p!essureswith mercúry. A valve and a compressor effects can be conceptualIyseparated. A quantitative first aproximation aerodynamicl11 theory ofthe first is developed. It shows that Bupersonic Bpeeds of vapor jets arecommon and that Mach'a number is larger for mercury. Backing pressuresof the order of millimeters can be obtained with oil aB well as with mer'cury. With increasing gas flux the apead decreases at firBt and growslater to a "secondary" maximum. The reason, for this iB found in thebehavior of Gaede's flow. The volume swept by themain vapor currentis several times larger tllan the apead at low pressures, but it builds upthe main resistance at lligher pressures under dynamical conditions. The"second diffusioJl" limits the speed at higher pressures under static·condictions. The factor of Sears constitutes the main resistance at theIow pressure end' of the velocity curve
机译:航空动力理论01蒸气喷射高压泵的介绍。 -用三个两级和三级玻璃泵获得的结果,其中两个与汞和油一起使用,压力为11110w,以解开影响网格作用的因素。可以肯定的是,“低压”下汞的效率较低是由于Gaede流量较高,据报道其在较高压力下的较高效率主要是由于同一个瓦特输入管会产生更大的带有汞的锅炉压力。阀门和压缩机的作用可以在概念上分开。建立了定量的第一近似空气动力学理论。它表明蒸气喷射的布波尼德贝普斯现象很常见,而汞的马赫数更大。用油aB和水银可以获得数毫米量级的背压。随着气体通量的增加,豌豆在firBt处减小,并逐渐增大到“次要”最大值。原因在于,这种iB出现在Gaede的行为方式中。在低压条件下,主蒸气流扫过的体积是后者的几倍,但在动态条件下,在较高的压力下,主阻力会增大。 “第二扩散”限制了静态条件下较高压力下的速度。西尔斯因子构成速度曲线低压端的主要阻力



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