首页> 外文期刊>Revista Brasileira de Anestesiologia >Rabdomiólise em paciente obeso mórbido submetido a gastroplastia redutora e durante revasculariza??o de membro superior em paciente pediátrico: relato de casos

Rabdomiólise em paciente obeso mórbido submetido a gastroplastia redutora e durante revasculariza??o de membro superior em paciente pediátrico: relato de casos




BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Rhabdomyolysis is a syndrome caused by skeletal muscle injury. Its etiology is broad with special interest when it is manifested as intra or post-anesthetic complication. This report aimed at describing two cases of rhabdomyolysis in the postoperative period of long procedures in morbidly obese and trauma injury patients, emphasizing its correlation with anesthesia. CASE REPORTS: The first case is a 39-year old, morbidly obese patient, BMI 62, submitted to laparoscopic gastric bypass under general anesthesia. In the postoperative period patient presented upper and lower limbs muscle weakness and changes in sensitivity evolving with muscle pain and reddish urine. Increased creatinokinase (CK) plasma levels confirmed the diagnosis of rhabdomyolysis. Patient was treated with forced and diuretic hydration, has not evolved with renal failure, but was discharged with muscular and neurological sequelae. The second case is a 7-year old child victim of accident with a glass door, who was submitted to emergency procedure for left upper limb revascularization. During anesthesia urine color has changed becoming reddish. Intravenous sodium bicarbonate and mannitol were administered to alkalinize the urine and increase urinary output. Patient was referred to the ICU where rhabdomyolysis was confirmed by increased CK enzyme and myoglobinuria. Patient was discharged 10 days later without sequelae. CONCLUSIONS: Cases have shown risk factors for rhabdomyolysis and their relationship with anesthesia and surgery. Early diagnosis is critical for a fast and aggressive treatment to prevent more severe complications.
机译:背景与目的:横纹肌溶解症是由骨骼肌损伤引起的综合征。当其表现为麻醉内或麻醉后并发症时,其病因广泛且具有特殊意义。本报告旨在描述病态肥胖和外伤患者在长期手术后横纹肌溶解症的两例,强调其与麻醉的相关性。病例报告:第一例为39岁,病态肥胖的患者,BMI 62,在全身麻醉下接受了腹腔镜胃旁路手术。术后患者出现上肢和下肢肌肉无力,并随着肌肉疼痛和尿液泛红而改变敏感性。肌酸酐激酶(CK)血浆水平升高证实了横纹肌溶解的诊断。患者曾接受强制和利尿补液治疗,并未因肾衰竭而发展,但因肌肉和神经系统后遗症而出院。第二例是一名7岁的玻璃门事故受害者,该儿童因左上肢血运重建而接受了紧急手术。麻醉期间尿液的颜色已变为红色。静脉注射碳酸氢钠和甘露醇可碱化尿液并增加尿量。患者被转诊至ICU,通过增加的CK酶和肌红蛋白尿证实横纹肌溶解。 10天后患者无后遗症出院。结论:病例已显示出横纹肌溶解的危险因素及其与麻醉和手术的关系。早期诊断对于快速积极的治疗以预防更严重的并发症至关重要。



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