首页> 外文期刊>Revista brasileira de botanica >Duas novas espécies de Calliandra Benth.: (Leguminosae - Mimosoideae) da Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brasil

Duas novas espécies de Calliandra Benth.: (Leguminosae - Mimosoideae) da Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brasil

机译:卡利亚德拉·本斯(Calliandra Benth)的两个新种:(Leguminosae-Mimosoideae)来自巴西巴伊亚州Chapada Diamantina



Two new species of Calliandra are described from the Chapada Diamantina, state of Bahia, eastern Brazil. Calliandra geraisensis E.R. Souza & L.P. Queiroz is related to C. calycina Benth. but it differs in its depauperate habit, distichous leaves and absence of glandular trichomes on the perianth. Calliandra imbricata E.R. Souza & L.P. Queiroz is a shrubby plant similar to C. erubescens Renvoize from which it differs by having the leaves with more pinnae and more leaflets and by its red stamens. Both species occur in the mountains of the Chapada Diamantina region and are narrow endemics from a small area near the town of Piat?.
机译:巴西东部巴伊亚州的查帕达·迪亚曼蒂纳(Chapada Diamantina)描述了两个新的Calliandra物种。 Calliandra geraisensis E.R. Souza和L.P. Queiroz与C. calycina Benth有关。但其习性不同,花被离生,花被上没有腺毛。 Calliandra imbricata E.R. Souza和L.P. Queiroz是一种类似于C. erubescens Renvoize的灌木状植物,与之不同之处在于,叶子上有更多的羽状茎和小叶,还有红色的雄蕊。这两个物种都发生在Chapada Diamantina地区的山区,并且是Piat?附近一小区域的特有种。



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