首页> 外文期刊>Research on Humanities and Social Sciences >“Fair is foul, and foul is fair”: Themes of Loss and Death in William Shakespeare's Macbeth

“Fair is foul, and foul is fair”: Themes of Loss and Death in William Shakespeare's Macbeth




William Shakespeare is arguably world's best "poet of nature", who in his plays laid bare various facets of human nature, which is why his works appeal audiences of every age and culture. The miserable end of the protagonists of his tragedies, unlike those of Greek tragedies, is not caused by destiny, but the makings of their own follies. In Macbeth, the main character falls from grace because of his indomitable ambition for power, propelled by evil prophesies of the three witches coupled by his ruthless wife Lady Macbeth's persuasions. The article focuses on the themes of loss and death in Macbeth, one of Shakespeare's magna opera. The article explains why neither the three witches nor Lady Macbeth can be blamed for Macbeth's downfall; rather they are the manifestations of his own evil instincts. Key Words: death, tragedy, human nature, Macbeth, William Shakespeare
机译:莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)可以说是世界上最好的“自然诗人”,他在戏剧中展现了人性的各个方面,因此他的作品吸引了各个年龄和文化的观众。与希腊悲剧不同,他悲剧的主角的悲惨结局不是命运造成的,而是他们愚蠢的产物。在麦克白(Macbeth)中,主角出于对权力的顽强野心而屈从于恩宠,这是三个巫婆的邪恶预言所推动的,再加上他无情的妻子麦克白夫人的说服。这篇文章重点介绍了莎士比亚的大型歌剧之一麦克白的失落与死亡主题。文章解释了为什么不能同时责怪三个女巫和麦克白夫人而导致麦克白的倒台。而是他们自己邪恶本能的体现。关键词:死亡,悲剧,人性,麦克白,莎士比亚



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