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Retina Today - Posterior Scleral Buckle for Posterior Perforating Eye Injuries (October 2011)




Ocular trauma is a leading cause of monocular blindness worldwide, with estimates of 500,000 blinding ocular injuries occurring annually.1 Posterior penetrating injuries beyond the rectus muscle insertion planes are a known risk factor for poor visual prognosis.2 A recent metaanalysis of published reports revealed a final visual acuity of worse than 5/200 in 44% of cases.3 A common cause for severe vision loss is thought to arise from proliferative retinopathy. Studies of the efficacy of prophylactic encircling scleral buckles have revealed lower rates of retinal detachments with use of these devices.4-6 To the best of our knowledge, however, there have been no human studies assessing the efficacy of very posterior radial scleral buckling procedures. In this article, we present three cases of a large radial sponge extending posteriorly to support the rupture site and exit wounds for prophylaxis of retinal detachment. CASE STUDY 1 A 17-year-old man presented to Wilford Hall Medical Center, San Antonio, TX, having sustained a shotgun blast to the face. Two pellets were found perforating the globe near the optic nerve. There was a 6-mm radial scleral rupture beginning posterior to the medial rectus insertion and a shotgun pellet embedded in the scleral wall. A second pellet perforated the posterior eye wall just superonasal to the optic nerve and came to rest at the left orbital apex just lateral to the optic nerve. Vision was light perception with projection. Primary management consisted of closure with removal of the shotgun pellet that was lodged within the scleral wall (Figure 1). This was followed 2 weeks later by secondary retinal repair. A Type 506 radial sponge was placed from the ora serrata to the optic nerve and secured with posterior mattress sutures to support the entrance and exit wound sites. Orbital fat also provided buckle height posteriorly. A pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) with lensectomy was performed to repair the retinal detachment. The exit wound and rupture sites were heavily cauterized, and a limited retinectomy was performed with silicone oil injection. Postoperatively, the patient developed severe superior and medial fibrosis surrounding the wound sites without retinal detachment due to the high posterior buckle. A large pucker developed temporally with macular traction. The patient underwent a final surgery to remove the radial element and repair the macular pucker. The silicone oil was removed, and an IOL was placed in the sulcus. Final visual acuity 12 months after the initial injury was 20/30 (Figure 2). CASE REPORT 2 A 28-year-old man presented to Wilford Hall Medical Center after having sustained an open globe injury from a beer bottle fight. He was found to have a scleral laceration 13 mm posterior to the temporal limbus, extending approximately 20 mm posterior, just under the lateral rectus. The patient was able to count fingers at 3 feet. Management consisted of primary closure followed by secondary repair 5 days later. A Type 506 radial sponge spanning the extent of the 20-mm laceration posteriorly was placed, followed by a PPV. Extensive endolaser was applied around the rupture sites and 360?° in the far periphery with 14% C3F8. Figure 3 shows the reattached retina at 6 months after sponge placement, PPV, and endolaser. At 12 months after the initial injury, the patienta??s retina has remained attached with a visual acuity of 20/20-2. CASE REPORT 3 A 20-year-old man presented to Wilford Hall Medical Center after sustaining an open globe injury due to a gunshot wound. Vision was light perception without projection, and a 2+ relative afferent pupillary defect was present. An anterior 5-mm laceration was identified with dense hyphema and vitreous hemorrhage. The posterior extent of the wound could not be identified on initial examination. Management consisted of primary closure followed by secondary retin
机译:眼外伤是全球单眼失明的主要原因,每年估计有500,000例眼盲致盲。1直肌插入平面后部穿透伤是已知的视力预后不良的危险因素。2最近发表的荟萃分析显示,在44%的病例中,最终视力低于5 /200。3增生性视网膜病变被认为是造成严重视力丧失的常见原因。对预防性环绕巩膜扣的功效的研究表明,使用这些装置可降低视网膜脱离的发生率。4-6据我们所知,尚无人研究评估非常后路radial巩膜屈曲手术的功效。在本文中,我们介绍了3例向后延伸以支撑破裂部位和出口伤口以预防视网膜脱离的大型放射状海绵。案例研究1一名17岁的男子遭到a弹枪的袭击,被送往德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市的威尔福德·霍尔医疗中心。发现有两个小球在视神经附近穿孔。在内侧直肌插入后开始出现6毫米的放射状巩膜破裂,并且在gun壁中嵌有a弹丸。第二个小球刺入眼后壁,正好位于视神经上方,并停在视神经外侧的左眼眶顶点。视觉是带有投影的光线感知。初级管理包括关闭并清除散布在巩膜壁内的shot弹丸(图1)。 2周后进行二次视网膜修复。将506型放射状海绵从锯缘至视神经放置,并用后床垫缝线固定以支撑入口和出口伤口部位。眼眶脂肪也向后提供带扣高度。进行了晶状体切除术的全玻璃体玻璃体切除术(PPV)以修复视网膜脱离。严重烧伤出口伤口和破裂部位,并通过硅油注射进行有限的视网膜切除术。术后,由于后扣高度高,患者在伤口部位周围出现严重的上,内侧纤维化,而没有视网膜脱离。随着黄斑牵引力的发展,一个大的皱褶暂时性地发展。患者接受了最后的手术,以去除放射状元件并修复黄斑皱褶。除去硅油,并将IOL置于沟中。初始损伤后12个月的最终视力为20/30(图2)。病例报告2一名28岁的男子因打啤酒瓶而遭受全球性伤病,随后被送往Wilford Hall医疗中心。他被发现在颞角膜缘后13毫米处有巩膜裂伤,正好在外侧直肌下方延伸约20毫米。该患者能够在3英尺处数指。管理包括一次封闭,然后在5天后进行二次修复。放置506型放射状海绵,其后部横跨20毫米裂伤,然后放置PPV。在破裂部位周围和远处360°°范围内使用14%C3F8施加大量的激光。图3显示了海绵放置,PPV和激光照射后6个月时重新附着的视网膜。初次受伤后12个月,患者的视网膜保持附着,视力为20 / 20-2。病例报告3一名20岁男子在因枪伤受伤而造成开放性眼球受伤后向威尔福德·霍尔医疗中心就诊。视力是没有投射的光感知,并且存在2+相对传入瞳孔缺损。发现前5mm撕裂伤伴密集性前房积血和玻璃体出血。初次检查无法确定伤口的后方范围。管理包括先关闭再继发视网膜



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