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Youth, Religiosity and Substance Abuse: A Nigerian Private University Experience




Youth and Substance Abuse The youth are the link between the present and the future of any culture. Only a visionless society will ignore the plight of its youth and their vulnerability to social vices and life crises. The environment and other external factors influence the youth, their vibrancy and innovativeness, not withstanding. Buowari, (2013) asserts that their curiosity and tendency to explore and experiment with new activities predispose them to substances abuse and other high-risk behaviour. Ukpokolo, (2010) posits that the Nigerian traditional and socio-cultural system provides for some unwritten codes of moral conduct and social sanctions that regulate human behaviour. For instance, a drunk was tagged an irresponsible person. Such a person becomes the theme of ridicule at social gatherings through music and other cultural forms and may not be involved in very important village or community gatherings. This stigma discourages community members from alcohol abuse. The lines of distinction between religion and culture are usually blurry, thus religion and culture supplements each other. Religion stipulates practises, rites, and conducts on one hand while the culture of the land directly or indirectly reinforces the values on the other. Nmehielle, (2004) confirms that in Northern Nigeria the culture promotes the Islamic way of life (Sharia). The Yoruba of Western Nigeria also practice a way of life is a blend of cultural and religious practices heavily laden with social taboos and prohibitions. The gradual eroding of some aspects of these cultural norms due to Western standards and ideals calls for a reexamination of the role of religious sanctions in checkmating substance abuse among the youth. The youth are faced with various issues such as HIV/AIDS, STDs, suicide, abortion, violence, abuse, accidents, robbery, prostitution, examination malpractices and other countless societal vices. The indiscriminate use of narcotics and alcohol makes them susceptible to these problems. Most auto accidents cases are associated to substance abuse due to low mental coordination and impaired senses. Young people who engage in narcotics are more likely have unprotected sex which results to STDs, unwanted pregnancy, abortion and other reproductive health problems. The insatiable appetite for more of these vices at all cost consequently result in armed robbery and prostitution to raise the needed money. Some of the predisposing factors to substance abuse in Nigeria are peer group influence, lack of knowledge of health, mental and social implications, the media, low self esteem and parental negligence. The addictive nature of these drugs make it hard for an individual abusing them to quit. The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA; 2011) in its review of 2010 activity in Nigeria pointed out that 6788 suspects were arrested at the international airports and other exits ports of the country. The majority of perpetrators were youth. What if any are some socio-cultural deterents that may serve to discourage behaviours associated with substance abuse? The focus of this article is to identify and substantiate the role of religion and spirituality in providing a deterence for youth in their relentless pursuit of the thrills of substance abuse.
机译:青年与物质滥用青年是任何文化的现在与未来之间的纽带。只有一个没有视力的社会才会忽视其青年的困境以及他们遭受社会恶习和生活危机的脆弱性。环境和其他外部因素影响着年轻人,他们的活力和创新能力,而不是耐力。 Buowari(2013)断言,他们的好奇心和探索和尝试新活动的倾向使他们容易遭受药物滥用和其他高风险行为的影响。 Ukpokolo(2010)认为,尼日利亚的传统和社会文化体系规定了一些未成文的道德行为守则和规范人类行为的社会制裁。例如,醉酒被标记为不负责任的人。这样的人通过音乐和其他文化形式在社交聚会上成为嘲笑的主题,并且可能不会参与非常重要的村庄或社区聚会。这种污名不鼓励社区成员戒酒。宗教与文化之间的界线通常是模糊的,因此宗教与文化是相辅相成的。宗教一方面规定了习俗,礼仪和行为,另一方面土地的文化直接或间接地强化了价值观。 Nmehielle(2004)证实,在尼日利亚北部,文化促进了伊斯兰的生活方式(Sharia)。尼日利亚西部的约鲁巴(Yoruba)也实行一种生活方式,这种生活方式是文化和宗教习俗的混合体,其中充满社会禁忌和禁令。由于西方的标准和理想,这些文化规范的某些方面逐渐受到侵蚀,要求重新审查宗教制裁在控制青年滥用药物方面的作用。青年面临各种问题,例如艾滋病毒/艾滋病,性病,自杀,堕胎,暴力,虐待,事故,抢劫,卖淫,体检不当行为和其他无数的社会恶习。滥用麻醉药品和酒精使他们容易受到这些问题的影响。由于心理协调能力低下和感觉受损,大多数车祸案件与滥用毒品有关。从事麻醉品的年轻人更有可能受到无保护的性行为,从而导致性传播疾病,意外怀孕,流产和其他生殖健康问题。因此,不惜一切代价不满足于更多的这些恶习,导致武装抢劫和卖淫以筹集所需的资金。在尼日利亚,滥用药物的一些诱因是同伴群体的影响,缺乏健康知识,心理和社会影响,媒体,自尊心低下和父母的疏忽。这些药物的成瘾性使个人很难滥用药物。国家毒品执法局(NDLEA; 2011)在对2010年尼日利亚活动的回顾中指出,有6788名嫌疑人在该国的国际机场和其他出口港口被捕。多数犯罪者是青年。如果有一些社会文化威慑力量可能会阻止与滥用毒品有关的行为怎么办?本文的重点是确定并证实宗教和灵性在青少年不懈追求毒品滥用刺激方面的威慑作用。



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