首页> 外文期刊>Research on Humanities and Social Sciences >Proposed Educational strategy to reduce the impact of social and economical factors in the spread of violence in the Jordanian society

Proposed Educational strategy to reduce the impact of social and economical factors in the spread of violence in the Jordanian society




This study aimed at developing an educational strategy to reduce the impact of social and economical factors in the spread of violence in the Jordanian society, and to achieve this goal, the study posed the following two questions: What's the impact of the social and economical factors in the spread of violence in the Jordanian society? Secondly: What is the proposed educational strategy of reducing the impact of social and economical factor in the spread of violence in the Jordanian society? The study population consisted of (294) faculty members in the Colleges of Educational Sciences in the following Jordanian universities: University of Jordan, Yarmouk University, Hashemite University, (83) was chosen randomly to form the study sample. A questionnaire was designed, as the study tool to collect the data related to the questions of the study, and consisted in its final form of (35 paragraphs), distributed on four areas: the first area argues the causes of violence within families (7 paragraphs), the second area argues the causes of violence within the educational institutions (11 paragraphs), the third area argues the causes of violence at work places (8 paragraphs), and the fourth area argues the causes of violence in society (9 paragraphs).
机译:这项研究旨在制定一种教育策略,以减少约旦社会暴力传播中的社会和经济因素的影响,并实现这一目标,该研究提出了以下两个问题:社会和经济因素的影响是什么在约旦社会暴力蔓延?第二:减少约旦社会暴力传播中的社会和经济因素影响的拟议教育策略是什么?研究人群包括以下约旦大学的教育科学学院的(294)名教职员工:约旦大学,雅尔穆克大学,哈希姆大学(83)被随机选择以形成研究样本。设计了问卷调查表作为研究工具,以收集与研究问题相关的数据,并以其最终形式(35段)组成,分布在四个领域:第一个领域论证家庭内部暴力的起因(7第一部分,第二部分论述了教育机构内的暴力原因(11段),第三部分论证了工作场所的暴力原因(8段),第四部分论证了社会中的暴力原因(9段) )。



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