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A Hidden Markov Models Approach for Crop Classification: Linking Crop Phenology to Time Series of Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Data




Vegetation monitoring and mapping based on multi-temporal imagery has recently received much attention due to the plethora of medium-high spatial resolution satellites and the improved classification accuracies attained compared to uni-temporal approaches. Efficient image processing strategies are needed to exploit the phenological information present in temporal image sequences and to limit data redundancy and computational complexity. Within this framework, we implement the theory of Hidden Markov Models in crop classification, based on the time-series analysis of phenological states, inferred by a sequence of remote sensing observations. More specifically, we model the dynamics of vegetation over an agricultural area of Greece, characterized by spatio-temporal heterogeneity and small-sized fields, using RapidEye and Landsat ETM+ imagery. In addition, the classification performance of image sequences with variable spatial and temporal characteristics is evaluated and compared. The classification model considering one RapidEye and four pan-sharpened Landsat ETM+ images was found superior, resulting in a conditional kappa from 0.77 to 0.94 per class and an overall accuracy of 89.7%. The results highlight the potential of the method for operational crop mapping in Euro-Mediterranean areas and provide some hints for optimal image acquisition windows regarding major crop types in Greece.
机译:基于多时相影像的植被监测和制图最近受到了广泛的关注,这是由于中高空间分辨率的卫星数量众多,并且与单时相方法相比,其分类精度得到了提高。需要有效的图像处理策略来利用时间图像序列中存在的物候信息,并限制数据冗余和计算复杂性。在此框架内,我们基于对物候状态的时间序列分析(由一系列遥感观测推断得出),在作物分类中实施了隐马尔可夫模型理论。更具体地说,我们使用RapidEye和Landsat ETM +影像模拟了希腊农业地区植被的动态,其特征是时空异质性和小型田野。此外,评估并比较了具有可变时空特征的图像序列的分类性能。发现考虑到一个RapidEye和四个Pan-sharpened Landsat ETM +图像的分类模型是更好的,从而导致条件kappa从每类0.77到0.94,总准确度为89.7%。结果突出了该方法在欧洲地中海地区进行农作物作图的潜力,并为有关希腊主要农作物类型的最佳图像采集窗口提供了一些提示。



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