首页> 外文期刊>Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences >A Review Article of Beekhe Kasni (Cichorium intybus) its Traditional uses and Pharmacological Actions

A Review Article of Beekhe Kasni (Cichorium intybus) its Traditional uses and Pharmacological Actions

机译:Beekhe Kasni(Cichorium intybus)的传统用途和药理作用的评论文章



Cichorium intybus L., is an erect perennial herb it is of different types depending on flowers which are bright blue, white or pink Cichorium intybus is about 80-90cm in height .It has a fleshy taproot up to 75 cm in length. Chicory root contains volatile oils which has a wormicidal effect. Chicory is recommended in the treatment of jaundice, spleen problems, gastrointestinal problems like digestive difficulties, gastritis and lack of appetite, sinus problems, cuts and bruises. In Unani system of Medicine Kasni (chicory) is used as a Hepatoprotective and Nephroprotective. Chicory consists of a dietary fibre called as Inulin, which is useful in treating diabetes and constipation. Leaves juice and tea are used to as lithotriptic, elimination of internal mucus and production of bile. This paper gives an overview of Traditional uses and pharmacological properties.
机译:菊苣(Cichorium intybus L.)是一种直立多年生草本植物,根据花朵的不同而有不同的类型,它们是明亮的蓝色,白色或粉红色菊苣(Cichorium intybus)身高约80-90cm。它的肉质主根长达75厘米。菊苣根含有挥发油,具有杀虫作用。菊苣被推荐用于治疗黄疸,脾脏疾病,消化道疾病,消化不良和食欲不振等胃肠道疾病,鼻窦问题,割伤和瘀伤。在医学的Unani系统中,Kasni(抗性)被用作保肝和护肾药物。菊苣由称为菊粉的膳食纤维组成,可用于治疗糖尿病和便秘。叶汁和茶被用作碎石剂,消除内部粘液和产生胆汁。本文概述了传统用途和药理特性。



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