首页> 外文期刊>Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences >Evaluation of anti-helminthic activity of ethanolic extract of withania coagulans dunal (flower buds)

Evaluation of anti-helminthic activity of ethanolic extract of withania coagulans dunal (flower buds)




Withania coagulans is a short shrub with central stem. It has milk coagulating property and various parts of this plant were traditionally used as Emetic, Diuretic and Anti diabetic agent. It is also used in chronic liver failure. Berries of this plant contain amino acids, fatty and essential oil and alkaloids and also show anthelmintic activity. Hence the flower Buds of this plant were examined for anti-helminthic activity using earthworms (Pheretima posthuma). Numerous concentrations (25mgml-1, 50mgml-1, 75mgml-1 and 100mgml-1) of ethanolic extract of Withania coagulans (EEWC) were studied. Albendazole (20mgml-1) was used as standard drug for reference whereas normal saline (NS) as control. The time of paralysis and death of worms were determined and recorded. Extract exhibit significant anti-helminthic activity at the concentration of 75 and 100mgml-1. The result shows that ethanolic extract of Withania coagulans possesses vermicidal activity against earthworms (Pheretima posthuma) and determined to be effective as anti-helminthics. Therefore, the anti-helminthic activity of the ethanolic extract of Withania coagulans dunal (Flower Buds) has been reported.
机译:Withania glutans是具有中央茎的短灌木。它具有凝乳特性,该植物的各个部位通常用作催吐剂,利尿剂和抗糖尿病药。它也用于慢性肝衰竭。该植物的浆果含有氨基酸,脂肪和精油以及生物碱,还显示出驱虫活性。因此,使用earth(Pheretima posthuma)检查了该植物的花蕾的抗蠕虫活性。研究了Withania凝聚物(EEWC)的乙醇提取物的浓度(25mgml-1、50mgml-1、75mgml-1和100mgml-1)。阿苯达唑(20mgml-1)被用作标准药物作为参考,而生理盐水(NS)作为对照。确定并记录蠕虫的麻痹时间和死亡时间。提取物在浓度为75和100mgml-1时表现出显着的抗蠕虫活性。结果表明,Withania凝聚物的乙醇提取物具有抗earth(Pheretima posthuma)的杀线活性,并被确定为有效的抗蠕虫药。因此,已经报道了Withania glutans dunal(Flower Buds)的乙醇提取物的抗蠕虫活性。



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