首页> 外文期刊>Research Journal of Finance and Accounting >An Impact of Social Audits on Corporate Performance: Analyses of Nigerian Manufacturing Firms.

An Impact of Social Audits on Corporate Performance: Analyses of Nigerian Manufacturing Firms.




This study examines the impact of corporate social responsibility on the profitability of firms in Nigeria. The main objective of this study is to examine the relationship between corporate social responsibility and firms’ profitability in Nigeria. The study makes use of secondary data, sourced from ten (10) randomly selected firms’ annual report and financial summary between “1999-2008”. The study makes use of ordinary least square for the analysis of collected data. Findings from the analysis show that the sample firms invested less than ten percent of their annual profit to social responsibility. The co-efficient of determination of the result obtained gives 0.622016 (62%), this depicts that the explanatory variable account for about 62% changes or variations in selected firms performance (PAT) are caused by changes in corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Nigeria. The study concludes and recommends that laws and regulations to obligate firms to recognize and to comply with social responsibility should be enacted. Also, adequate attention should be given to social accounting in terms of social costs.
机译:本研究考察了企业社会责任对尼日利亚企业盈利能力的影响。这项研究的主要目的是研究尼日利亚公司社会责任与公司盈利能力之间的关系。该研究利用了二级数据,这些二级数据来自于“ 1999-2008”之间随机抽取的十(10)家公司的年度报告和财务摘要。该研究利用普通最小二乘法对收集的数据进行分析。分析结果表明,样本公司将其年度利润的不到百分之十用于社会责任。确定结果的系数为0.622016(62%),这说明解释变量占选定公司绩效(PAT)的大约62%的变化或变化是由公司的企业社会责任(CSR)的变化引起的尼日利亚。该研究得出结论并建议应制定法律和法规,要求企业承认并遵守社会责任。此外,就社会成本而言,应充分注意社会核算。



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