首页> 外文期刊>Research journal of applied science, engineering and technology >Software Defect Prediction in Class Level Metric Aggregation Using Data Mining Techniques

Software Defect Prediction in Class Level Metric Aggregation Using Data Mining Techniques




Aim of study software defect is a flaw, miscalculation, or failure, in a computer program or framework delivering an inappropriate or surprising result, or making it perform in an unintended way. Software Defect Prediction (SDP) finds defective modules in software. The final product ought to have as few defects as possible to create top notch software. Early software defects discovery prompts diminished development costs and rework effort and better software. Software metrics guarantee quantitative methods to survey software quality. Software metrics are helpful to software process and product metrics. Thus, a defect prediction study is critical to guarantee quality software and software metric aggregation. In this study, the efficiency of classifier for SDP is assessed. Diverse classifiers like Na?ve Bayes, K Nearest Neighbor (KNN), C4.5 and Multilayer Perceptrons Neural Network (MLPNN) are assessed for SDP.



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