首页> 外文期刊>Research Journal of Applied Sciences: RJAS >Deformations and Tension in Concrete of Squeezed Zone of Non-Centrally Loaded Ferroconcrete Elements

Deformations and Tension in Concrete of Squeezed Zone of Non-Centrally Loaded Ferroconcrete Elements




Results of the experimental studying of deformations with the first application of a method of aholographic interferometry in research of the samples or models of the squeezed ferroconcrete designs arepresented. Prototypes, means of their loading and method of registration of holograms are described. A set ofthe interferometer and the scheme of realization of a method of two expositions in the record of interferogramsat a step loading of the studied objects is shown in details. The way of interpretation and results of the analysisof regularities of the interferential strips arrangement is specified. On the basis of data of the experiment it isestablished that in the method of holographic interferometry by means of only qualitative analysis of a pictureof interferential strips it is possible to receive a full picture of distribution of deformations of ferroconcreteelement side. The received dependences of deformation of cross sections confirm justice of application of ahypothesis of flat sections in settlement models. Using results of experiments of different researchers, theanalysis of characteristics of concrete tension of a squeezed zone of ferroconcrete designs which are reinforcedby steel of the S800 class and more on the basis of which it is offered to apply the transformed diagram ?tensiondeformation? to the concrete in the general deformation method of calculation. The diagram considersinfluences of a gradient of deformations? distribution and high-strength fittings.



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