首页> 外文期刊>Research Journal of Chemical Sciences >AM1 and ESI/MS study of the Fragmentation of 4-Acyl Isochroman-1,3-Diones: Correlation between Electronic charges of Atoms and Fragmentations processes

AM1 and ESI/MS study of the Fragmentation of 4-Acyl Isochroman-1,3-Diones: Correlation between Electronic charges of Atoms and Fragmentations processes

机译:AM1和ESI / MS研究4-酰基Isochroman-1,3-离子的碎片化:原子电荷与碎片化过程之间的相关性



Recently, it has been found a good correlation between the fragmentation processes of coumarins in electronic impact mass spectrometry (eims) and the electronic charges of the atoms of their hydrocarbon skeleton. The same results have been obtained with eims spectra of 4-acyl isochroman-1,3-diones and the electronic charges of their atoms. In this paper, the analytic method has been applied to ESI/MS mass spectra of a series of 4-acyl ischroman-1,3-diones to verify its reliability and extensibility. The results, which have been described for the very first time, show that fragmentations take place at the level of atoms bearing high positive charge, according to the nature of ionisation projectile. The results are in good agreement with the earliest studies.
机译:最近,已经发现香豆素在电子冲击质谱法(eims)中的裂解过程与其烃骨架原子的电子电荷之间具有良好的相关性。用4-酰基异色满-1,3-二酮的eims光谱及其原子的电子电荷也获得了相同的结果。本文将这种分析方法应用于一系列4-酰基异色满-1,3-二酮的ESI / MS质谱图中,以验证其可靠性和可扩展性。首次描述的结果表明,根据电离弹丸的性质,碎片发生在带有高正电荷的原子水平上。结果与最早的研究非常吻合。



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