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An uncertain future for woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou): The impact of climate change on winter distribution in Ontario

机译:林地北美驯鹿(Rangifer tarandus北美驯鹿)的前途未卜:气候变化对安大略省冬季分布的影响



Habitat alteration and climate change are two important environmental stressors posing increasing threats to woodland caribou, Rangifer tarandus caribou , in Ontario. Our first objective was to identify the importance of linear features, habitat, and climate on the occurrence of woodland caribou during the winter season using over 30 years of records (1980-2012). Our second objective was to forecast the impacts of climate change on the future occurrence and range of woodland caribou. Woodland caribou occurrence and environmental data collected during 1980 to 2012 were obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR). Logistic regression models were used to identify the importance of linear features, habitat, and climate on woodland caribou. We then forecast future caribou occurrences using 126 future climate projections. Woodland caribou preferred coniferous forests and mixed forests that tended to be associated with increased lichen coverage, and regions with colder winters. Woodland caribou also avoided anthropogenically disturbed regions, such as areas associated with high road density or developed areas. Caribou range extent was projected to contract by 57.2-100% by 2050 and 58.9-100% by 2070. Furthermore, all 126 climate change scenarios forecast a range loss of at least 55% for woodland caribou in Ontario by 2050. We project complete loss of woodland caribou in Ontario if winter temperatures increase by more than 5.6°C by 2070. We found that woodland caribou in Ontario are sensitive to changes in climate and forecasted that an average of 95% of Ontario’s native woodland caribou could become extirpated by 2070. The greatest extirpations were projected to occur in the northernmost regions of Ontario as well as northeastern Ontario, while regions in western Ontario were projected to have the lowest rates of extirpation. This underscores the importance of mitigating greenhouse gases as a means to protect this iconic species.
机译:栖息地的变化和气候变化是两个重要的环境压力源,它们对安大略省的林地驯鹿(Rangifer tarandus驯鹿)构成越来越大的威胁。我们的首要目标是使用30多年的记录(1980-2012年)来确定线性特征,栖息地和气候对冬季林地驯鹿的重要性。我们的第二个目标是预测气候变化对林地驯鹿的未来发生和范围的影响。 1980年至2012年收集的林地驯鹿发生情况和环境数据来自安大略省自然资源部(OMNR)。使用逻辑回归模型确定线性特征,栖息地和气候对林地驯鹿的重要性。然后,我们使用126个未来气候预测来预测未来驯鹿的发生。林地驯鹿更喜欢针叶林和混交林,这往往与地衣覆盖率的增加以及冬季较冷的地区有关。林地驯鹿还避免了人为干扰的区域,例如与高道路密度相关的区域或发达区域。到2050年,北美驯鹿的活动范围预计将缩小57.2-100%,到2070年将缩小58.9-100%。此外,所有126种气候变化情景预测,到2050年,安大略省的林地驯鹿的范围损失至少为55%。如果到2070年冬季温度升高超过5.6°C,安大略省的林地驯鹿中的50%。我们发现安大略省的林地驯鹿对气候变化敏感,并预测到2070年安大略省平均95%的本地林地驯鹿会被淘汰。预计最大的灭绝发生在安大略省的最北部地区以及安大略省的东北部,而安大略省西部的区域预计灭绝率最低。这突出了减轻温室气体作为保护这一标志性物种的手段的重要性。



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