首页> 外文期刊>Rangifer >Does seasonal variation in forage quality influence the potential for resource competition between muskoxen and Peary caribou on Banks Island?

Does seasonal variation in forage quality influence the potential for resource competition between muskoxen and Peary caribou on Banks Island?




Inter- and intra-annual variation in forage quality may influence population dynamics of Peary caribou and muskoxen on Banks Island. From 1993 to 1998 we collected 300 composite samples of sedge (Carex aquatilis and Carex spp.), willow (Salix arctica), legume (Oxytropis spp. and Astragalus spp.), and avens (Dryas integrifolia). Samples were collected in mid-June (start of the growing season), mid-July (peak of the growing season), mid-late August (senescence), and early (November), mid- (February), and late- (April/May) winter. We analysed forages for percent digestibility (in vitro acid-pepsin dry matter digestibility), crude protein (CP), fibre, lignin, and energy content. There was significant inter-annual variation in levels of lignin, fibre, and energy, and significant intra-annual (seasonal) variation for all quality measures and forages, which reflected the strong difference in quality between summer and winter. We discuss the relationship between forage quality and seasonal diet composition of Peary caribou and muskoxen, and the potential implications for the reduced Peary caribou and high muskoxen populations.
机译:牧草质量的年度间和年度内变化可能会影响班克斯岛上的小驯鹿和麝香鼠的种群动态。从1993年到1998年,我们收集了300个莎草(Carex aquatilis和Carex spp。),柳树(Salix arctica),豆类(Oxytropis spp。和Astragalus spp。)和avens(Dryas integrifolia)的复合样品。在6月中旬(生长季节开始),7月中旬(生长季节高峰),8月中下旬(衰老),11月中旬(2月)和3月下旬(四月/五月)冬天。我们分析了草料的消化率(体外酸性胃蛋白酶干物质消化率),粗蛋白(CP),纤维,木质素和能量含量。木质素,纤维和能量水平的年际变化显着,所有质量指标和饲草的年内(季节)均存在显着变化,这反映了夏季和冬季之间质量的显着差异。我们讨论了饲草质量和佩里北美驯鹿和麝香葡萄的季节性饮食组成之间的关系,以及对降低佩里北美驯鹿和高麝香葡萄种群的潜在影响。



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