首页> 外文期刊>Livestock research for rural development >The performance of field collected flies (Glossina pallidipes and Glossina brevipalpis) from Msubugwe game reserve for colony build up at Vector and Vector Borne Disease laboratories in Tanzania

The performance of field collected flies (Glossina pallidipes and Glossina brevipalpis) from Msubugwe game reserve for colony build up at Vector and Vector Borne Disease laboratories in Tanzania

机译:从Msubugwe禁猎区收集的野外苍蝇(Glossina pallidipes和Glossina brevipalpis)在坦桑尼亚的Vector和Vector Borne Disease实验室建立集落的表现



Area Wide Integrated Pest Management (AW-IPM) programme using Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) depends on a reliable supply of large numbers of high quality sterile insect for release. Vector and Vector Borne Disease Institute (VVBD) is currently rearing G. pallidipes, G. austeni and G. brevipalpis mainly for research and eradication purposes. However, the production of the species mentioned above is still low, therefore the institute decided to start collection of wild flies for the purpose of boosting their production in the laboratory. The collection of wild flies was done at Msubugwe game reserve in Pangani district. A total of 31 pyramidal traps baited with acetone and cow urine were deployed in the collection area. The average catches per day were 200 female G. pallidipes and 10 female G. brevipalpis. Immediate after collection flies were fed on goats then transported to the institute for rearing. A total of 6,038 female of G. pallidipes and 911 female of G. brevipalpis were adapted in the laboratory. In the laboratory, G. brevipalpis had an average mortality of 1.3± 0.23% with fecundity of 0.6± 0.05 per week and G. pallidipes had an average mortality of 3.1 ± 0.32% with fecundity of 0.2± 0.03 per week. The mortality of G. brevipalpis was slightly higher (P 0.001) than the recommended which is ≤ 1% but its fecundity was very good as it was above the recommended fecundity. However G. pallidipes had significant higher (P 0.001) mortality with very low fecundity. The average pupae produced per week by G. brevipalpis was 48± 9.71 from an average of 485 females and that of G. pallidipes was 25± 2.77 from an average of 57 females. Generally G. brevipalpis performed better than G. pallidipes in the laboratory; there was significant increase on the production of the specie in the laboratory.The poor performance observed in G. pallidipes could be due to viral ( Salivary gland hyperplasia virus) infection which is known to affect the reproductive performance of the specie.
机译:使用无菌昆虫技术(SIT)进行区域综合病虫害管理(AW-IPM)计划取决于可靠的大量优质无菌昆虫释放的供应。媒介和媒介传染病研究所(VVBD)目前正在养殖苍白G. pallidipes,G。austeni和G. brevipalpis,主要是为了研究和根除目的。但是,上述物种的产量仍然很低,因此该研究所决定开始收集野生蝇,以提高实验室的产量。野蝇的采集是在Pangani区的Msubugwe游戏保护区进行的。收集区总共部署了31个用丙酮和牛尿诱集的金字塔形陷阱。每天平均捕获量为200只雌性G. pallidipes和10只雌性G. brevipalpis。采集后立即用苍蝇喂山羊,然后运到研究所进行饲养。在实验室中,总共适应了6,038雌性G. pallidipes和911雌性G. brevipalpis。在实验室中,短尾短吻线虫的平均死亡率为1.3±0.23%,每周繁殖力为0.6±0.05,而苍白短吻线虫的平均死亡率为3.1±0.32%,每周繁殖力为0.2±0.03。短腿G. brevipalpis的死亡率略低于建议值(P <0.001),建议的死亡率≤1%,但其繁殖力非常好,因为它高于推荐的繁殖力。但是,苍白G. pallidipes的死亡率较高(P <0.001),生育力很低。短尾G. palevipals每周平均produced出产的±为48±9.71,平均为485头雌性,而苍白G. pallidipes的平均up为25±2.77,出头为平均57的雌性。通常在实验室中,短小G.palevipis的表现优于苍白G.pallidipes。在实验室中观察到的这种动物的性能较差。这可能是由于病毒(唾液腺增生病毒)感染引起的,该病毒已知会影响该物种的繁殖性能。



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