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African literacies: Which of them matter, and why?




This paper draws on data collected at the Kitengesa Community Library in Masaka District of Uganda to discuss some of the different literacies that are important in African environments. First, the literacies associated with different languages are analysed, these being classified assupralanguages (English in Uganda), lingua francas (such as Kiswahili), and local languages (Luganda in Kitengesa). Literacies also vary with social context, and the paper considers the cases of school, family, peer group, and private literacies. Work at Kitengesa has shown that although literacy is generally thought of as part of school life, other literacies are developing in response to the opportunities provided by the library. Supralanguage and school literacies remain dominant, but it is argued that they will become much more productive if supported by other literacies and that it is a major function of a community library to help such other literacies to develop
机译:本文借鉴了在乌干达马萨卡区的Kitengesa社区图书馆收集的数据,讨论了在非洲环境中很重要的一些文学知识。首先,分析与不同语言相关的文学,这些文学分为分类语言(乌干达的英语),通用语言(如斯瓦希里语)和当地语言(基廷加的卢干达)。文学水平也随社会背景而变化,本文考虑了学校,家庭,同龄人群体和私人文学的情况。 Kitengesa的工作表明,尽管人们普遍认为识字是学校生活的一部分,但随着图书馆提供的机会,其他识字也在不断发展。超语言和学校文学仍然占主导地位,但有人认为,如果得到其他文学的支持,它们的生产力将大大提高,这是社区图书馆帮助这些其他文学发展的主要功能



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