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Delirium – a common condition associated with negative outcome in the elderly




Delirium (“acute confusional state”), characterized by an acute decline in attention and cognition, is a common clinical syndrome in elderly patients. The prevalence of delirium increases with age, and is highest among hospitalized older patients. A systematic literature search of MEDLINE, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Library limited to the period 2000-2012 was conducted.The antecedent of delirium is often multifactorial, the development involving a complex interrelationship between a vulnerable patient with predisposing factors and exposure to precipitating events. Important predisposing factors include high age, cognitive impairment, comorbidity, sensory impairment, and low Body Mass Index (BMI). Infections, cardiovascular events, trauma/fracture, surgery, stroke, metabolic abnormalities, and dehydration, are all recognized as precipitating factors.Delirium is associated with negative outcomes like cognitive decline, increased morbidity and mortality, and should be prevented. Prevention and treatment of delirium is multifactorial and multidisiplinary, focusing on the treatment of factors precipitating and maintaining the delirium. No pharmacological treatment has so far demonstrated significant efficacy. The knowledge of risk factors and the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms involved remains scarce, and further research is warranted to explore the mechanisms and thereby develop targeted prevention and treatment strategies.
机译:妄(“急性精神错乱状态”)的特征是注意力和认知能力急剧下降,是老年患者的常见临床综合征。 ir妄的患病率随年龄增长而增加,在住院的老年患者中最高。对限于2000-2012年的MEDLINE,EMBASE和Cochrane图书馆进行了系统的文献检索。del妄的前因通常是多因素的,这种发展涉及易感患者与诱发因素之间的复杂相互关系和暴露事件的发生。重要的诱发因素包括高龄,认知障碍,合并症,感觉障碍和低体重指数(BMI)。感染,心血管事件,外伤/骨折,手术,中风,代谢异常和脱水均被认为是诱发因素,而with妄与诸如认知能力下降,发病率和死亡率增加等不良后果相关,应予以预防。 ir妄的预防和治疗是多因素和多学科的,侧重于治疗沉淀和维持the妄的因素。迄今为止,还没有药物治疗显示出明显的疗效。关于危险因素和潜在的病理生理机制的知识仍然匮乏,因此有必要进一步研究以探索其机制,从而制定针对性的预防和治疗策略。



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