首页> 外文期刊>Nutrients >Risks and Benefits of Increased Nut Consumption: Cardiovascular Health Benefits Outweigh the Burden of Carcinogenic Effects Attributed to Aflatoxin B 1 Exposure

Risks and Benefits of Increased Nut Consumption: Cardiovascular Health Benefits Outweigh the Burden of Carcinogenic Effects Attributed to Aflatoxin B 1 Exposure

机译:坚果消耗量增加的风险和益处:心血管健康益处超过黄曲霉毒素B 1暴露所致的致癌作用



Nuts are rich in nutrients and mounting evidence shows that consumption reduces cardiovascular disease (CVD) incidence. Nuts may also be a major source of aflatoxin B 1 , a potent liver carcinogen and the risk/benefit balance is unknown. Based on national statistics and data from the PREDIMED intervention trial, we estimated the potential CVD-reduction if Swedes aged 55?¢????79 consumed 30 g nuts/day, instead of the current national average of five grams per day. We also assessed the reduction in disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) due to myocardial infarction (MI) and stroke. We estimated the aflatoxin B 1 exposure from nuts and calculated the margin of exposure. The approximation that one nanogram aflatoxin B 1 /kg body weight/day results in one additional liver cancer case/10 million person-years was used to estimate the number of liver cancer cases. The increased nut consumption scenario prevented more than 7000 CVDs in 2013 (306/100,000 person-years) and contributed to about 55,000 saved DALYs for stroke and 22,000 for MI. The concomitant increase in aflatoxin B 1 exposure caused an estimated zero to three additional cases of liver cancer, corresponding to 159 DALYs spent, emphasizing the associated risks. Increased nut consumption, as part of a varied healthy diet, is warranted even when aflatoxin B 1 exposure is taken into account. However, efforts to reduce aflatoxin exposure from food are essential.
机译:坚果富含营养成分,越来越多的证据表明食用坚果可以减少心血管疾病(CVD)的发生。坚果也可能是黄曲霉毒素B 1的主要来源,黄曲霉毒素B 1是一种强效的肝致癌物,其风险/获益的平衡尚不清楚。根据国家统计数据和PREDIMED干预试验的数据,我们估计如果55岁79岁的瑞典人每天摄入30克坚果,而不是目前每天5克的全国平均水平,则可能减少CVD。我们还评估了由于心肌梗塞(MI)和中风而导致的残疾调整生命年(DALYs)的减少。我们估计了坚果中的黄曲霉毒素B 1暴露量,并计算了暴露量。以大约一纳克黄曲霉毒素B 1 / kg体重/天导致另外一例肝癌病例/ 10百万人年的近似值来估算肝癌病例数。螺母消耗量增加的情况在2013年阻止了7000多次CVD(306 / 100,000人年)的使用,并为卒中和DA节省了约55,000 DALY和22,000 MI。黄曲霉毒素B 1暴露的伴随增加估计导致另外0至3例肝癌病例,相当于花费了159 DALY,强调了相关风险。即使考虑到黄曲霉毒素B 1暴露,也应确保增加坚果的摄入量,作为各种健康饮食的一部分。但是,减少食物中黄曲霉毒素暴露的努力至关重要。



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