首页> 外文期刊>Leukemia Research Reports >Clonal evolution of AML on novel FMS-like tyrosine kinase-3 (FLT3) inhibitor therapy with evolving actionable targets

Clonal evolution of AML on novel FMS-like tyrosine kinase-3 (FLT3) inhibitor therapy with evolving actionable targets

机译:新的 FMS 样酪氨酸激酶3( FLT3 )抑制剂疗法对AML的克隆演变



For acute myeloid leukemia (AML), identification of activating mutations in the FMS -like tyrosine kinase-3 ( FLT3 ) has led to the development of several FLT3 -inhibitors. Here we present clinical and next generation sequencing data at the time of progression of a patient on a novel FLT3 -inhibitor clinical trial (ASP2215) to show that employing therapeutic interventions with these novel targeted therapies can lead to consequences secondary to selective pressure and clonal evolution of cancer. We describe novel findings alongside data on treatment directed towards actionable aberrations acquired during the process. (Clinical Trial: NCT02014558; registered at: ? https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02014558 ?) Highlights ? The article reports on a case of AML that underwent clonal evolution. ? We report on novel acquisition of the Philadelphia t(9;22) translocation in AML. ? Next generation sequencing maybe helpful in these refractory/relapse cases. ? Novel FLT3-inhibitor targeted therapies are another option in patients with AML. ? Personalizing cancer treatment based on evolving targets is a viable option.
机译:对于急性髓性白血病(AML),在FMS样酪氨酸激酶3(FLT3)中激活突变的鉴定导致了几种FLT3抑制剂的发展。在这里,我们在新颖的FLT3抑制剂临床试验(ASP2215)上显示患者进展时的临床和下一代测序数据,表明采用这些新颖的靶向疗法进行治疗性干预可能会导致选择性压力和克隆进化继发的后果癌症。我们在处理过程中获得的针对可采取行动的像差的治疗数据的基础上描述了新发现。 (临床试验:NCT02014558;在以下网址注册:https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02014558)。本文报道了经历克隆进化的AML案例。 ?我们报道了AML中费城t(9; 22)易位的新获得。 ?在这些难治/复发病例中,下一代测序可能会有所帮助。 ?新型FLT3抑制剂靶向疗法是AML患者的另一种选择。 ?根据不断发展的目标个性化癌症治疗是一个可行的选择。



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