首页> 外文期刊>Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies >Undermining Dichotomies: Women and the Peace Process in Afghanistan

Undermining Dichotomies: Women and the Peace Process in Afghanistan




This paper interrogates the equation of women and peace through the prism of the Afghanistan Peace and Reintegration Program (APRP). The Programme was initiated in 2010 and is scheduled to continue through 2018. It is designed to create the conditions for inclusion of the insurgency within the democratic system and provide a roadmap for peace. The APRP builds on one of the central justifications of the war: the liberation of Afghan women. It requires gender mainstreaming in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 and subsequent Resolutions, so as to include women in all stages of the process. The APRP underscores inevitable tensions between international and local standards that purport to ensure women?¢????s interests are protected in peacebuilding. The effort to impose gender mainstreaming on the peace process is emblematic of this tension. I argue that this effort has yielded partial gains for women who have internalized international perspectives on women?¢????s rights, but it signifies the exclusion of those who do not. UNSCRs 1325, 1820, 1888, 1889, 1960, 2106, and 2122 assume symmetry in the positions of men and women: but fail to address the complex ways in which gender is perceived by power relations within particular societies. Considering men and women as though they confront similar obstacles reifies disparities between them. Formal numerical inclusion in the APRP, as in other political processes, has not and cannot ensure changed practices.
机译:本文通过阿富汗和平与重返社会方案(APRP)的角度审视了妇女与和平的等式。该方案于2010年启动,计划持续到2018年。该方案旨在创造条件,将叛乱活动纳入民主体系,并提供和平路线图。 APRP建立在战争的主要理由之一上:解放阿富汗妇女。它要求根据联合国安全理事会第1325号决议及其后各项决议将性别观点纳入主流,以便使妇女参与该进程的所有阶段。 APRP强调了国际和地方标准之间不可避免的紧张关系,这些标准旨在确保在建设和平中保护妇女的利益。将性别观点纳入和平进程的努力是这种紧张关系的象征。我认为,这种努力使那些已经将国际上对妇女权利的观点内在化的妇女取得了部分收获,但这标志着对那些没有权利的妇女的排斥。联合国安理会第1325、1820、1888、1889、1960、2106和2122号决议假定男女立场对称:但未能解决在特定社会中权力关系感知性别的复杂方式。考虑男人和女人好像他们面临着相似的障碍,可以缩小他们之间的差距。与其他政治程序一样,APRP中正式的数字包容也没有也不能保证改变惯例。



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