首页> 外文期刊>New Zealand journal of agricultural research >The effect of clover stem eelworm on the establishment of pure swards of white clover

The effect of clover stem eelworm on the establishment of pure swards of white clover




Abstract A comparison was made of establishment of five white clover lines sown as pure swards on soil infested with stem eelworm (Ditylenchus dipsaci) and on uninfested soil. On infested soil two lines found to be resistant (Morocco × ‘Grasslands 4700’ and Ladino × ‘Grasslands 4700’) showed most rapid establishment and least production loss due to poor establishment. A very susceptible line from Israel suffered severe loss due to eelworm attack, and the varieties ‘Grasslands Huia’ and ‘Grasslands 4700’, known to be of intermediate susceptibility, showed an intermediate loss of production due to the effects of eelworm on establishment. All except the Israeli line recovered from the initial effect of eelworm attack on newly germinated seedlings and within 9 months from sowing were producing as much forage dry matter in the presence as in the absence of eelworm. Recovery was possible by virtue of the sprawling nature of the white clover plant, the rate being related to the proportion of seedlings which surv...
机译:摘要比较了在受茎线虫侵染的土壤和未受侵染的土壤上建立的5条纯草播种的白色三叶草株系。在受侵染的土壤上,发现有两条抗病性的系(摩洛哥ד草原4700”和拉迪诺ד草原4700”)显示出最快的建立速度,而由于建立不良而造成的生产损失最小。一个来自以色列的非常易感的品系因e虫侵袭而遭受了严重损失,众所周知的中等敏感性品种'Grasslands Huia'和'Grasslands 4700'由于e虫对鸡群的影响而表现出中等程度的产量损失。从以色列侵染对新发芽的幼苗起初作用的以色列品系中恢复,除播种后9个月内,所有其他品系在有没有蠕虫的情况下产生的饲料干物质都一样多。由于白三叶草植物的蔓延性质,恢复是可能的,该比率与存活的幼苗的比例有关。



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