首页> 外文期刊>New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science >Taro (Colocasia esculenta) variety release recommendations for Papua New Guinea based on multi‐location trials

Taro (Colocasia esculenta) variety release recommendations for Papua New Guinea based on multi‐location trials

机译:基于多地点试验的巴布亚新几内亚Taro(Colocasia esculenta)品种发布建议



Abstract Multi‐location trials were conducted on six elite lines originating from the third cycle of the Papua New Guinea taro (Colocasia esculenta) breeding programme based on modified recurrent selection. The trials identified the multi‐trait superiority of line C3‐E10 over other five elite lines on the basis of high yield, taro leaf blight resistance, yield stability over a range of environments, and good eating quality. Line C3‐E10 also showed an added advantage of rare flowering, which is helpful in restoring conn shape and better suckering ability. Based on this superiority, line C3‐E10 has been released to farmers of Papua New Guinea (under the name NT 04) and for regional multi‐location trials for the South Pacific region.
机译:摘要对基于改良轮回选择的巴布亚新几内亚芋头(Colocasia esculenta)育种计划第三周期的六个优良品系进行了多地点试验。试验基于高产量,芋头叶枯病抗性,在各种环境中的产量稳定性和良好的食用品质,确定了C3-E10品系相对于其他五个优良品系的多性状优势。 C3-E10品系还显示了稀有花的额外优势,这有助于恢复conn的形状和更好的抽吸能力。基于此优势,C3-E10品系已发布给巴布亚新几内亚的农民(名称为NT 04),并已在南太平洋地区进行了多地点试验。



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