首页> 外文期刊>Nursing of intrgrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine(Zhong-Xiyi Jiehe Huli ) >二胎政策下精神科护士生育意愿现状及影响因素研究





:Objective To investigate the fertility desire under the two-child policy among the psychiatric nurses and related influential factors. Methods 〓Totally 500 psychiatric nurses from 3 psychiatric hospitals in Suzhou, Jiangsu were collected by convenience sampling method. A questionnaire survey was conducted to investigate the fertility desire among the psychiatric nurses. Results 〓There were 490 valid questionnaires for the final analyze. The total average score of fertility desire questionnaire was(10.23±2.67)points, and the average score from high to low in five items were consequence of peers, the balance between work and life, the health, the homes and the self-willing. The main influence factors of fertility desire included professional title, marital status, current fertility status and frequency of night duty(P0.05). Conclusion Findings of this study showed a medium level of fertility desire among the psychiatric nurses. Given the national policy and current situation of nursing team, nursing managers of hospitals should consider the influencing factors of fertility desire before managing nursing resources.
机译::目的探讨二胎政策下精神科护士的生育欲及相关影响因素。方法〓采用便利抽样法,共收集江苏省苏州市3家精神病医院的500名精神科护士。进行了问卷调查以调查精神科护士的生育欲。结果〓共有490份有效问卷用于最终分析。生育欲调查表的总平均分为(10.23±2.67)分,五项得分从高分到低分是同龄人,工作与生活,健康,住所和自愿之间的平衡。影响生育欲的主要因素包括职称,婚姻状况,当前生育状况和夜间工作频率(P <0.05)。结论这项研究的结果表明,精神科护士的生育能力愿望中等。鉴于国家政策和护理队伍的现状,医院的护理管理人员应在管理护理资源之前考虑影响生育欲的因素。



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