首页> 外文期刊>New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science >Pollination and fruit set in the tamarillo (Cyphomandra betacea (Cav.) Sendt.) 2. Patterns of flowering and fruit set

Pollination and fruit set in the tamarillo (Cyphomandra betacea (Cav.) Sendt.) 2. Patterns of flowering and fruit set

机译:番茄的授粉和坐果(Cyphomandra betacea(Cav。)Sendt。)2.开花和坐果的模式



Abstract Flowering and fruit set in the tamarillo (Cyphomandra betacea (Cav.) Sendt ‘Oratia Round') were examined using both field‐grown and glasshouse‐grown plants. Tamarillo plants in the field had an extended flowering season from November until April, with individual inflorescences having open flowers for up to a month. The length of the flowering season is due to the growth habit of the plant and to the sequential flowering pattern within an inflorescence. Twelve percent of the flowers formed set fruit, but only 3% of all flowers developed into mature fruit. The major factors influencing fruit set appear to be the first fruit set limiting further fruit set within an inflorescence, and the resources available for inflorescence development at successive positions along a branch. High flower and fruit abscission appears to be a characteristic of the tamarillo. Excess production of flowers may serve to offset fruit loss as a result of disease or environmental conditions, and to provide a continual source...
机译:摘要使用田间种植和温室种植的植物检查了番茄(Cyphomandra betacea(Cav。)Sendt'Oratia Round')中的开花和坐果。田间的番茄属植物的开花季节从11月延长到4月,单个花序开放花长达一个月。开花季节的长度是由于植物的生长习性和花序内的连续开花模式所致。百分之十二的花朵形成了结实的果实,但是只有百分之三的花朵发育成成熟的果实。影响坐果的主要因素似乎是第一个坐果,限制了在一个花序内的进一步坐果,以及可用于沿着一个分支的连续位置进行花序发育的资源。高的花果脱落似乎是番茄的特征。花的过量生产可能有助于抵消由于疾病或环境条件造成的水果损失,并提供持续的来源。



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