首页> 外文期刊>New Zealand journal of agricultural research >Natural regulation of Pieris rapae Linnaeus (Lepidoptera : Pieridae) in Canterbury, New Zealand

Natural regulation of Pieris rapae Linnaeus (Lepidoptera : Pieridae) in Canterbury, New Zealand

机译:新西兰坎特伯雷的菜青虫(Piperis rapae Linnaeus)(鳞翅目:Pieridae)的自然调控



Abstract Life tables were constructed for five populations of Pieris rapae L. Field counts of all stages fitted a negative binomial distribution, and a plan for sampling to a fixed level of precision is given. Mortality of early-instar larvae was due mainly to predation by syrphid larvae and the harvestman Phalangium opilio L. Bird predation was evident only on late-instar larvae during the second generation and on overwintering pupae. Life table analysis showed that mortality factors which contributed most to population trend operated at the pupal stage.
机译:摘要为五个菜青虫(Pieris rapae L)种群建立了生命表。所有阶段的田间计数符合负二项式分布,并给出了固定精度水平的抽样计划。早龄幼虫的死亡率主要是由蓝鲷幼虫和收割者Phalangium opilio L捕食引起的。鸟类的捕食仅在第二代幼龄幼虫和越冬的evident上才可见。生命表分析表明,对人口趋势影响最大的死亡率因素在the期起作用。



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