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Supersymmetric quantum mechanics of the flux tube




The Operator Product Expansion approach to scattering amplitudes in maximally supersymmetric gauge theory operates in terms of pentagon transitions for excitations propagating on a color flux tube. These obey a set of axioms which allow one to determine them to all orders in 't Hooft coupling and confront against explicit calculations. One of the simplifying features of the formalism is the factorizability of multiparticle transitions in terms of single-particle ones. In this paper we extend an earlier consideration of a sector populated by one kind of excitations to the case of a system with fermionic as well as bosonic degrees of freedom to address the origin of the factorization. While the purely bosonic case was analyzed within an integrable noncompact open-spin chain model, the current case is solved in the framework of a supersymmetric sl ( 2 | 1 ) magnet. We find the eigenfunctions for the multiparticle system making use of the R-matrix approach. Constructing resulting pentagon transitions, we prove their factorized form. The discussion corresponds to leading order of perturbation theory.
机译:最大超对称量规理论中用于散射幅度的算子乘积扩展方法是根据五边形跃迁进行操作的,以实现在色通量管上传播的激励。这些服从一组公理,使他们可以按照霍夫特耦合确定所有阶的公理,并与显式计算相抵触。形式主义的简化特征之一是就单粒子而言,多粒子转换的可分解性。在本文中,我们将由一种激发填充的扇区的早期考虑扩展到具有铁离子自由度和玻色子自由度的系统的情况,以解决分解的起源。虽然在可积分的非紧凑型自旋链模型中分析了纯玻壳情况,但当前情况是在超对称sl(2 | 1)磁体的框架内解决的。我们发现利用R-矩阵方法的多粒子系统的本征函数。构建最终的五边形过渡,我们证明了它们的分解形式。该讨论对应于扰动理论的主导顺序。



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